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ElementS by VASKO Healing Energy of crystals, minerals, gemstones and other creations

Jasper energy healing explained

"Limit of 12 per customer per year outside Bulgaria” 


(JA3 25) Jasper When using jasper for the chakras ensure that the stone you have chosen is the correct colour for that chakra e.g. yellow jasper for the solar plexus chakra and red jasper for the base chakra. It helps you to pursue and achieve your goals with determination. It encourages one to celebrate moments of beauty in the ordinary and the extraordinary, and to find harmony within the self, and with others. Through meditation and dream work, Jasper can provide a connection with Earth’s ancient past and allows one to retrieve spiritual knowledge for use in the present to help heal humanity and the planet. Jasper is a Hunter Changer talisman.

 (JA3)(890)Deschutes JasperJasper is a Hunter Changer crystal. Assists with the mind to body connection, clarifying information both ways. Helps with kidney problems. All Jaspers connect to the Earth and may be placed on the Base Chakra to stabilize and energize the physical body.

(JA3 27)Ocean Jasper Sometimes called orbicular jasper. Promotes strength through good humor and positive thinking. Clears the aura of negativity. Brings out that which is best within us, reveals the path of our soul. Ocean Jasper draws its soothing power from the element of Water. It is a stone of strength and renewal with a slow, steady frequency and a deep circular energy that embodies the interconnectedness of all things. Ocean Jasper utilizes Water energy. Ocean Jasper is a Hunter Changer crystal.

(JA3 30)Bumble Bee Jasper aka Eclipse Stone

It is a strong earth energy stone, that embodies within it the strong energy of the volcano from which it was birthed. Serving solar plexus also known as the power chakra, and by stimulating this area it may enable a growth in your personal power, also strongly relates to the self esteem. It is also known as Eclipse stone and as Fumarolic or Fumarole Jasper. Bumble Bee Jasper is a Hunter Changer Crystal. The stone ally known as Bumblebee Jasper can increase your power to persist and overcome obstacles. This is particularly true when one is attempting things that are deeply meaningful to us. Bumblebee Jasper is a stone of adventure.


(JA3 32)

Black jasper is a useful scrying stone. It takes you into a deep altered state of consciousness and can bring you prophetic dreams and visions. Black jasper is a highly protective stone and brings good luck into your life. Jasper is a Hunter Changer Crystal. Black Jasper, or Basanite, is a flinty form, one of the rarer Jaspers. It empowers supreme physical and mental efforts, and is highly shielding against curses, threats, and danger in high risk occupations. In polished form, it is an excellent scrying stone for discerning what is hidden. Black Jasper has the ability to take one deep into an altered state of consciousness, and facilitates prophetic dreams and visions

(JA3 34)

Blue jasper connects you to the spiritual world. It stimulates the throat chakra and balances yin and yang energies. Blue jasper heals degenerative diseases and balances mineral deficiency. Blue jasper is thought to encourage recovery from trauma, sever accident or a major illness where a person as to learn to live again. Jasper is a Hunter Changer Crystal. Blue jasper brings you the courage of your convictions to speak out against injustice or prejudice to protect the vulnerable. It is the perfect anti stress stone for those in charge of others well being, and for older children and teenagers to carry to resist being led into unwise behavior or risky situations.


(JA3 36)

Brown jasper is connected to the earth and encourages ecological awareness. It brings stability and balance. It helps deep meditation, centring and regression to past lives. Brown Jasper improves night vision. It stimulates the earth chakra. It boosts the immune system, clears pollutants and toxins from the body. Brown jasper heals the skin, helps you give up smoking. Jasper is a Hunter Changer crystal. Brown Jasper utilizes Wood energy.

(JA3 38)

Green jasper heals and releases disease and obsession. It balances out the parts of your life that have become over important to you and to the detriment of others. Green jasper stimulates the heart chakra. It treats skin disorders and removes bloating. It heals ailments of the upper torso, the digestive tract and the liver. Jasper is a Hunter Changer crystal. Green Jasper utilizes Wood energy. It enhances vitality, brings abundance and keeps us growing physically.

(JA3 40)

Red jasper assists in transmuting emotional, mental and physical pain. It grounds energy and rectifies unjust situations. Red jasper brings to light problems before they get out of hand and provides insights into the most difficult situations. It is calms the emotions. Use for dream recall. Red jasper stimulates the base chakra. It stabilises the aura and strengthens your boundaries. Red Jasper has Fire Energy.

(JA3 41)Arizona Lizard Jasper is light to dark green with lizard like patterning. This stone ease sunburn.. This stone relieve headaches. Jasper is a Hunter Changer Crystal. Arizona Lizard Jasper has the ability to rebuild, rejuvenate and transform your life.

(JA3 42)

Banded printstone jasper is considered a receiving stone and is used for calming, soothing, inward meditation and reflection. This is a stone for grounding and centring the energies of the base chakra. Useful for self control, grounding, resilience, grounding. When used for chakra healing and balancing, banded printstone jasper represents the element earth, and is related to our survival instincts, and to our sense of grounding and connection to our bodies and the physical plane. Use these stones at the base chakra, they bring health, prosperity, security, and a dynamic presence. Jasper is a Hunter Changer Crystal. Banded printstone jasper is for increasing your creative drive, stability, wisdom and connection to Mother Earth.

(JA3 43)

Cobra jasper brings mental clarity and peace to emotional people. This stone helps you move forward on your life path. It will protect you to take your first steps toward emotional spiritual growth. Cobra jasper will give you courage to change. All Jaspers connect to the Earth and may be placed on the Base Chakra to stabilize and energize the physical body. Jasper is a Hunter Changer Crystal.

(JA3 44)

Crazy lace jasper will help you look at all possibilities and then make the correct choice. This stone occurs as mixed rust red, orange, grey, brown, yellow, ochre, cream or white in a disjointed pattern. This stone helps you establish your life purpose and also how to proceed with that purpose. This stone will introduce stability into your life. It is ideal for people who wish to change their career but don't know where to start. Jasper is a Hunter Changer talisman.


(JA3 45)

Dalmatian Jasper is also called Dalmatian Stone, it makes you aware of the illusory story of our lives that we are spinning and to see both sides of it and make better choices. It helps you to see your strengths and weaknesses and encourages grounding both with the Earth and in reality. The energy of the black spots deepens our connection to the physical, natural world. It brings power and strength, relieving fears specifically associated with the physical existence here on Earth. Dalmatian Stone offers protection and safety of being hidden from your enemies. Dalmatian Stone is a Hunter Changer crystal. Dalmatian Stone utilizes Earth energy.


(JA3 46)


Dendritic Jasper the Stone of the Mind, has a strong connection to the brain and the mind. All Jaspers connect to the Earth and may be placed on the Base Chakra to stabilize and energize the physical body. Jasper is a Hunter Changer Crystal.


(JA3 47)

Elephant skin jasper is also known as calligraphy stone, fossil jasper and Miriam stone. It consists of a reddish brown opaque matrix containing multiple inclusions of a harder. fossilised material such as snail shells and fossilised palm. This stone is found in India. Elephant skin jasper helps you with self expression, eases fear of the unknown. This stone will guide you through understanding your life and soul purpose. Jasper encourages a team spirit. It will help you understand the universes great plan and your part in it. Elephant skin Jasper will guide you down your life path. This stone promotes the ability to communicate effectively. Jasper is a Hunter Changer Crystal.




(JA3 48)

Exotica Jasper is also known as porcelain jasper, brecciated jasper or Sci Fi jasper. This is a soothing and comforting stone. It has a subtle and deep energy that seems to nurture you on a soul level. Helpful stone in times of stress when healing tough issues. Sci Fi Jasper is a crystal of physical energy, vitality and protection. All Jaspers connect to the Earth and may be placed on the Base Chakra to stabilize and energize the physical body. Jasper is a Hunter Changer Crystal. Brecciated jasper is a jasper that can be veined with hematite.

(JA3 49)Fancy jasper is an opaque creamy beige or grey stone with lavender, green, pink, orange or red swirls and specks. It is facilitate tranquillity and help eliminate worry and depression. It bring mental clarity. It is useful for general healing. Fancy Jasper bring comfort and peace to your situations. All Jaspers connect to the Earth and may be placed on the Base Chakra to stabilize and energize the physical body. Jasper is a Hunter Changer Crystal.

(JA3 50)Flower jasper is cream with varying shades of grey, mauve, pink, red, white, green, yellow spots and swirls resembling small flowers. Is useful for fluid balance in the body, glandular disorders, hair and bones. This stone brings joy. All Jaspers connect to the Earth and may be placed on the Base Chakra to stabilize and energize the physical body. Jasper is a Hunter Changer Crystal.

(JA3 51)Imperial Jasper occurs as swirling patterns in rich purple brown cream and beige colours. Imperial Jasper assist our journey towards God. This Jasper allows you to understand that you are apart of God and everything, that you never have to be afraid. Imperial jasper provides protection to reduce fears and insecurities. All Jaspers connect to the Earth and may be placed on the Base Chakra to stabilize and energize the physical body. Jasper is a Hunter Changer Crystal.


(JA3 52)

Kambaba Jasper or Kambaba Stone or Crocodile Jasper from Africa. It soothe the nerves and state of mind. Kambaba jasper finds the inner truth about yourself and others. It promotes compassion and unconditional love for yourself and others. Kambaba Jasper helps dietary stabilisation, assimilation of vitamins and minerals and cleansing the body of toxins. Jasper is a Hunter Changer Crystal. This stone contains stromatolites, which provides it with the energy to help dislodge any stored information that is causing a repetitive pattern in your emotional consciousness. Kambaba Jasper utilizes Wood energy. It regulates our interaction with the external world and controls what we embrace and what we resist.


(JA3 53)

Leopardskin jasper is an orbicular jasper with spherical inclusions in brown, beige, sand and gold colours. It gives the impression of spots on a leopard. Leopard skin jasper is a stone of shamanic journeying. It aids in service to others. It helps discover and connect with your animal totems or Power animals. Jasper is a Hunter Changer Crystal. This stone grounds your spiritual practice and increases your flexibility in exploring different spiritual avenues. It helps you stretch beyond your comfort zone.


(JA3) (1955)

Mookaite jasper

This stone increases your self esteem, encourage foretelling dreams and aid you in meditation. Mookaite jasper dispels fear and depression. it will help you to communicate with others without getting angry. This stone promotes wellbeing and inner strength. It increases endurance. Mookaite Jasper balances the Root, Solar Plexus, and Third Eye Chakras, and can improve the flow of energy between these chakras. Mookaite Jasper is a Hunter Changer crystal. Mookaite Jasper utilizes Fire Energy.

(JA3 54)

Ocean jasper is a form of orbicular jasper that occurs with multiple colours of blue green, red orange, yellow, cream, pink white and brown with dot or orb like inclusions. Ocean Jasper stabilises the emotions and allows us to feel safe through life changes. Ocean Jasper assists in accepting responsibility. It facilitates continuity. Jasper is a Hunter Changer Crystal.

(JA3 55)

Ocean Wave Jasper

It has a similar colour palette to Ocean Jasper but lacks the orbs, displaying wavy bands instead. This stone supports pregnancy and childbirth, breastfeeding, infant protection and care taking. Ocean wave jasper help treating morning sickness. Jasper is a Hunter Changer Crystal. These stones have a strong energy within the solar plexus chakra or power chakra and assist the use of your personal power.

(JA3 56)

Orbicular jasper is beneficial for strong emotions to ease you into a calmer state of being. This is a jasper that contains numerous spherical inclusions. Orbicular jasper supports service to others. It helps you accept responsibility for your own actions. Orbicular jasper will instil patience into you daily life. Orbicular Jasper is a Hunter Changer. This Jasper has Water energy.

(JA3 57)

Picasso Marble aka Picasso Stone

Picasso jasper is a mixture of black, brown, grey, rust and cream in abstract patterns that often resembles a beautiful painting. It is a stone that reminds us to celebrate and enjoy life. Life is too short, so just enjoy yourself. Picasso Jasper assists in the transformation of relationships. It attracts like minded people who become loyal and trusted friends. Jasper is a Hunter Changer Crystal. Picasso Marble will motivate you to celebrate life as much as you can. 

(JA3 58)Picture jasper occurs as a creamy, tan, sand and brown mix that can appear as a landscape picture. Picture Jasper brings harmony, greater appreciation and connection with the bigger picture. It dig hidden feelings of guilt, envy, hatred and helps you rid them from your live. Picture jasper stimulates the immune system and the kidneys. It also supports bone growth and healing. Picture Jasper is excellent for activating the Base. Jasper is a Hunter Changer crystal. Brown Picture Jasper has Wood energy.




(JA3 59)

Poppy jasper is brick red with shades of brown and black, also golden yellow, cream or white, in a single stone. with red and yellow orbs resembling poppies. Poppy Jasper is cleansing and energising and can be used to organise and redirect scattered energies. Jasper is a Hunter Changer Crystal. Poppy Jasper is a stone of courage and energy that will raise your vitality and your vigor.

(JA3 60)

Rainforest Jasper or Australian Rainforest Jasper, is more specifically known geologically as Jasper in Rhyolite. It is known as a stone of resolution and perseverance. Use Rainforest Jasper for energy, strength, awareness and resolution. It helps communication of all kinds, and helps you to listen easily and without distorting the message you are hearing. It is related to solar plexus chakra primarily and the throat chakra. Rainforest Jasper has a vibration of happiness and joy for life that will flow outwards. This stone also carries a strong vibration for change. Jasper is a Hunter Changer Crystal. Green Rhyolite is a strong stone to help you to understand who you really are.


(JA3 61)


Royal Plume Jasper has shades of purple with plume like markings. Royal plume jasper opens the crown chakra and aligns the spiritual energies to your current purpose in life. It brings you status and power. Royal plume jasper eliminates contradictions and supports preserving your dignity. Royal plume jasper has slow acting energies that build up over time so you can comfortably wear it over a long period of time. Stimulating the Crown Chakra, this stone creates an aura of wisdom and authority. Jasper is a Hunter Changer Crystal.


(JA3 62)

Royal Sahara Jasper is a newly discovered gemstone found in the Sahara desert of North Africa. It occurs in rounded nodules which are brown on the outer surfaces, and contain vivid interior patterns of tan, black and brown. Royal Sahara Jasper is stabilising to the chakras, tending to bring the whole system into balance. It stimulates the first three chakras, enhancing vitality, creative fertility and will. It resonates with the heart, engendering gentle, loving energy there. At the throat, it activates your capacity to courageously speak, or write, the truth of the heart. These stones also vibrate strongly at the third eye. Jasper is a Hunter Changer Crystal.


(JA3 63)


Silver leaf jasper helps your achieve physical and emotional balance. The colours of this stone are cream to silver, bluish grey to black with shiny swirls. This stone grounds the Kundalini Line channels and system into the Earth. It provides you with stability, calm, centring and grounding. Jasper is a Hunter Changer Crystal. It is a crystal to overwrite bad memories, to overcome irrational fears of being persecuted or watched. Good for overcoming a fear of water and of travelling by boat. This stone grounds you and opens you to wealth and abundance.

(JA3 64)

Spiderweb jasper consists of earthy browns with white or dark spider web markings

Soothes your nerves. Spiderweb Jasper shows the interconnectedness of universal energies and processes. It supports attunement to awareness of how these energies and processes work, change and integrate the web of life. Jasper is a Hunter Changer Crystal.

(JA3 65)


Zebra Jasper is a grounding stone. It keeps you centred with the earth during higher spiritual works. Jaspers with dark, jagged stripes of black or brown on a background of white, grey or tan are known as zebra jaspers. It is also known by the name zebra stone. Zebra Jasper give you the courage to get to grips with your problems and to give you the determination to see projects through to completion. Zebra jasper provides you with the physical endurance you need for staying focused on what needs to get done. Jasper is a Hunter Changer Crystal.

(JA3 66)

Pilbara Jasper Found in the Pilbara area of Western Australia.

Jasper comes in a wide variety of colors. A type of Chalcedony, Jasper is a protective, nurturing stone that absorbs and transmutes negative energies. Jasper is used for balancing the subtle bodies and aligning the Chakras. This Jasper crystal is a great aid for those seeking to bring practicality into their life, but not boredom. Jasper promotes vitality and perseverance and can boost energy when running low. By working with multiple colors of Jasper on their corresponding Chakras you can experience the unifying effect offered by this family of stones. Jasper is a Hunter Changer Crystal.

(JA3 67)

Eye of The Storm is helpful for stress relief. It has a heart based vibration and embody strong calming and grounding en

Agate stone healing energy explained

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Agates are regarded as having stabilizing and strengthening influences which can help you build a lasting connection or resonance with whichever energy pattern a particular variety represents.

Agates are grounding stones, bringing about an emotional, physical and intellectual balance. They aid in centering and stabilizing physical energy. Agates are Hunter Changer crystals. Agate has the power to harmonize yin and yang the positive and the negative forces that hold the universe in place. A soothing and calming stone, agate works slowly but brings great strength. Agate guards against all dangers, lightning and storms, gives strength and victory in all your endeavors, opens the wearer to receive unexpected favors from the deities. Agate will remind you of your own strength, and it will encourage you to speak your own truth.


Black Agate offers you prosperity, victory for athletes and courage. Black Agate connects the spirit and physical planes together and grounds you in reality. Black Agate stabilises and grounds. Black agate connects the heavenly chi force with the earthly chi force and brings spiritual level energy into your entire Hara line and grounds it into the earthly plane, reality and consciousness. Agate is Hunter Changer crystal.


Blue agate is a good stone to work with if you frequently strain parts of your body. Using this stone can help keep your attention on what you are doing. All agates are grounding and the blue energy in this stone will calm inflamed emotions you may be experiencing. Agate is Hunter Changer crystal. Blue agate is useful for gaining insight and clarity. In cases where confusion or distractions exist, this stone can assist in gently guiding your attention back to the matter at hand.


Brown agate is a good tool for balancing the absorption and elimination processes of the physical body. This stone helps you remove toxins from your physical body through your reconnection with nature. It reminds you to spend time with the trees, grass and flowers, which aid in physical health and wellbeing. Agate is Hunter Changer crystal.


Green agate opens your mind to understanding the spiritual dimensions of plants and plant life forms. Plants have a consciousness in similar alignment to the consciousness of animals. This stone allows you to hear messages from the plant kingdom and to benefit from its vast knowledge. Green agate enhances mental and emotional flexibility and improves decision making. Agate is Hunter Changer crystal.


Pink agate

With its deep pink vibration, pink agate activates the opening of your heart chakra to allow love to enter. There are many sensual feelings that naturally arise when the heart centre opens. With this stone in hand, use breath and discipline to harness the sensual energy for the higher good of all. Pink agate can help you to balance your emotions, thereby increasing your emotional maturity. The colour of this stone is a reminder of the Divine Mother within, who hears and knows truth and accepts you unconditionally. Archetypes for this energy are Mother Mary, Kuan Yin, Isis and Mary Magdalene. Use this agate to awaken your awareness of your spiritual purpose. Agate is Hunter Changer crystal.



Purple agate can help you beneficially readjust how you take care of your physical body. Use the grounded vibration of its transformative energy to transmute aches, pains, weight issues and a whole plethora of potential health challenges. Purple agate carries the transformative power to remove people, places or things from your life that upset you emotionally. It is protective and grounding, which is beneficial when opening the upper chakras. Agate is Hunter Changer crystal.



Blue lace agate was dedicated to Nerthus, the earth mother. Blue Lace Agate is pale blue with white or darker lines. It is a wonderful healing stone. Its soft energy is cooling and calming, bringing peace of mind. It is particularly effective for activating and healing the Throat Chakra, allowing free expression of thoughts and feelings. Blue Lace Agate, with its blue crystal energy, will open and clear the Throat Chakra. Blue Lace Agate utilizes Water energy, the energy of stillness, quiet strength, and purification. Agate is Hunter Changer crystal. Blue Lace Agate is a great stone for physical, emotional, mental and spiritual communication.


Blood agate is a survival stone, particularly if you have lost the will to live, contemplating self harm or are neglecting yourself. It is a particularly effective stone for people who are suffering bulimia and anorexia. It restores passion in your love life and in life in general. This stone offer determination, stamina and ingenuity in finding a job and collaborating with others. It combats inequality by non aggressive means. Blood agate heals, opens and balances the Base and Sacral chakras. Agate is Hunter Changer crystal.


Botswana agate is called the sunset stone because it retains sunlight which can comfort people through their dark lonely nights. Botswana agate occurs in the colours pink, cream and grey in bands. Botswana agate stimulates the crown chakra, sacral chakra and brings healing energy into the Auric field. Botswana Agate, with its energies of pale red, gray and brown, stimulates the Base Chakra. The Base Chakra is located at the base of the spine, and controls the energy for kinesthetic feeling and movement. It is the foundation of physical and spiritual energy for the body. Agates are Hunter Changer crystals. Hunters contain the crystal energy that aligns the natural energy of the crystal to the natural power of the human mind. 



Also known as Mexican Agate, the Crazy Lace Agate is quite young compared to other minerals that can be found on Earth. Crazy lace agate enables you to see past worlds and spirits. Crazy Lace Agate has been considered symbolical of the Third Eye, our center of perception and consciousness. It controls the energy flow of the body, and is the source of our ideas, dreams, and visions. White crystals have been associated by some authors with the Crown Chakra, located at the top of the head, and are the fountainhead of our beliefs and the source of our spirituality. They represent personal identification with the Infinite, and oneness with God, peace and wisdom. Other writers associate the violet color with the Crown Chakra. Crazy Lace Agates are Hunter Changer crystals. Lace Agate utilizes Metal energy, the energy of intelligence, contraction, healing and creativity. 


Dendritic Agate is a white translucent chalcedony that has embedded contrasting branching, fern like dendritic generally green or brown, mineral inclusions. Dendritic Agate is similar to Tree Agate. Wear for long periods to gain maximum benefit. This agate is Hunter Changer energy talisma. Dendritic Agate utilizes Metal energy, the energy of intelligence, contraction, healing, and creativity.


Merlinite (Psilomelane) Merlinite or Dendritic Agate

Merlinite attracts good luck and happiness. Merlinite stimulate intuition and psychic knowing. Stone of duality. Merlinite or Dendritic Agate is a Hunter Changer Crystal.


Graveyard Plume Agate

This is beautiful semi precious gemstone Graveyard Point Plume Agate from near Graveyard Point in the Owyhee Mountains of far eastern Oregon, near the Idaho border. The agate formed in the cracks in basalt. Agate are stabilizing and strengthening. They improve memory and increase energy. Agate is Hunter Changer crystal.


Translucent Brazilian Piranha Agate.

Gorgeous Piranha Agate Brazil. Piranha Agate comes from the State of Parana, near Guarapuava, Brazil and appears to be closely related to what is generally called Brazilian Agate. Agate is a member of the chalcedony family, or a microcrystalline quartz, and it has a hardness of about 7 on the Moh's scale. Agates make great gemstone cabochons for jewelry. In general Agates are stabilizing and strengthening. Wearing Agate help improve memory and increase energy. Agate is Hunter Changer crystal.


Pretty semi precious gemstone Nipomo Agate from Nipomo, California. Nipomo Agate is also sometimes referred to as Marcasite Agate. Often have golden metallic Marcasite and Pyrite inclusions. This gemstone material is pretty rare. Nipomo Agate collecting areas have been closed for more than 40 years and old sources are getting scarce. Agates are stabilizing and strengthening. They improve memory and increase energy.


Brazilian Agate

The natural white lines come through and make a beautiful specialty designer cabochon known as Tuxedo Agate. Agate is a form of Chalcedony, or a microcrystalline quartz. It forms in concentric layers in a wide variety of colors and textures. It has a hardness of 7 and wears great in jewelry. Agate is Hunter Changer crystal.


Gorgeous semi precious gemstone known as Coyamito Agate from Mexico. Coyamito Agate is mined in the state of Chihuahua in Northern Mexico. It is found in multiple deposits on the Rancho Coyamito. Metaphysical Properties. Agates are stabilizing and strengthening. They improve memory and increase energy. Agate is Hunter Changer crystal.


Pyrite in Agate

Agates are members of the chalcedony family. They have a hardness of 7, making them great stone cabochons to wear. Agate Pyrite increases vitality and gives you a boost. It enhances willpower, assist in overcoming bad habits, and establishes new patterns of health and positive energy. Agates are stabilizing, calming and strengthening. Agate is Hunter Changer crystal.


Bull Canyon Agate comes from the Northern California   Nevada border area. It is a nicely translucent moss agate. The mossy inclusions are a bright red color. This material is also known as a "tube agate". Tube Agate forms when flow channels are captured in the structure of the growing silica. The "moss" then appears as long tubes in the stone. Agates are stabilizing and strengthening. They improve memory and increase energy. Agate is Hunter Changer crystal.



Priday Plume Agate is a very famous and rare semi precious gemstone agate that was formed during the Miocene Period at the eastern edge of the Deschutes Basin, northeast of the town of Madras, Oregon. Priday Plume Agates come in thunder egg formations. Priday Plume Agate is  multi color and bright filamentous plumes, as well as occasional fan plumes that are truly spectacular. Priday Plume Agate has protective properties and give security, self confidence and inner stability. Agate is Hunter Changer crystal.



Tube Agate is semi precious gemstone from Brazil

Agate is a member of the chalcedony family or a microcrystalline quartz, and it has a hardness of about 7 on the Moh's scale. Tube Agate is when the inclusions are shaped like tubes. Agates are stabilizing and strengthening. Wearing Agate improve memory and increase energy. Agate is Hunter Changer crystal.



Drusy Agate

A layer of very fine crystals formed on a semi precious gemstone chalcedony, is known as "Druse" "Drusy" or "Druzy". Drusy Agate is a type of chalcedony, usually at least slightly translucent and banded or with inclusions. This lovely Druse Agate material is found in southern Brazil. Druzy Agate are helpful in self exploration, patience, and in beginning new projects. Agate is Hunter Changer crystal.


Tree Agate   the stone of inner peace.

This stone will clear the energy blockages that are preventing the free flow of energies.

By clearing these blockages, you will open the vibrant flow of wealth and abundance in your life.

Tree Agate will encourage you to become more persevering and patient. It will promote a peaceful internal and external environment. Tree agate is closely related to Dendritic Agate the difference between the two is that Dendritic agate is a translucent agate with dendritic inclusions and Tree agate is white agate with larger dendritic inclusions. Agate is Hunter Changer crystal.


Fire Agate contains iridescent spheroids of limonite. Fire Agate colours are brownish red, orange, blue and green with swirling luminescence. Fire agate heals the digestive, nervous and endocrine systems. This stone will assist in reducing fever and increase blood circulation throughout the body. It aids eyes, strengthening night vision. The brown and red shades of Fire Agate stimulate the Base Chakra. The Root Chakra is located at the base of the spine and controls the energy for kinesthetic feeling and movement. Fire Agates are Hunter Changer crystals. Fire Agate has Fire energy.


Crackled Fire Agate has a slightly different energy to the other stones and are strongly protective. These crystals embody an impressive spiritual energy, that is highly stimulating energetically. This stone is the important stone to take negative energy directed at you, such as psychic attack and returning it back to where it came from. Agate is Hunter Changer crystal.


Montana Agate will promote inner stability, grace and maturity. Its loving, warm, and protective properties will strengthen your sense of security and reinforce your self confidence. This stone will curb your burning or foolish desires for things or people that you do not need. It will give you that boost of energy when you are juggling commitments or performing multiple tasks. If you work in the creative industry, the energies of Montana Agate will help you express ideas in a unique and marketable form. This stone will also enhance relationships and promote trust, patience, and understanding. It’s a great stone for lovers because it will promote intimacy and fidelity. Agate is Hunter Changer crystal.



Crab Fire Agate exhibits a beautiful rusty orange color with scattered veins of white to gray. Heat treatment also enhances the Crab Fire Agate color, giving it a deep orange to red orange color. Crab Fire Agate is a kind of Spiderweb Carnelian Agate that has undergone heat treatment to improve its physical appearance. It shares the characteristics of a Carnelian, which is an Agate class of Chalcedony. Crab Fire Agate will also sharpen your focus. Crab Fire Agate carries energies of drive and ambition. Its an excellent stone to will help you achieve your goals when it comes to your career and finances. Agate is Hunter Changer crystal.



Flame Agate will inspire you to creatively express your personal truths with freedom and confidence. If you want to connect more effectively or deeply with the angelic or ethereal realms, you should know that Flame Agates will work with you every step of the way. Agate is Hunter Changer crystal.



Holley blue agate moves your spiritual energy from a higher plane into the physical. It opens and balances the brow chakra so the spiritual energy can move more freely which transmits spiritual energy into your consciousness. It stabilises spiritual energy, focuses on your life purpose and karmic learning plan for this incarnation into physical fulfilment. It transmits higher level information in a way that facilitates understanding and helps people who are new to channelling spiritual energies. Agate is Hunter Changer crystal.


Laguna Agate helps bind groups tightly together, and would greatly benefit educators, counsellors, and professional coordinators. It also stimulates the imagination and inspiration of writers and artists, and has the power of weaving complex themes into a work of art. Laguna Agate is a powerful ally in healing Base Chakra blockages and traumas. Laguna Agates are Hunter Changer crystals. Laguna Agate has Fire energy.


Moss agate

A stabilising stone strongly connected with nature, moss agate refresh the soul and enable you to see the beauty in all you behold. It is helpful in reducing sensitivity to weather and to environmental pollutants. Moss Agate utilizes the energy of green. It is a crystal of growth, birth, development and creation. Agates are Hunter Changer crystals. Moss Agate has Wood energy.



Montana Agate

This stone will ground your energies and help you focus on the work that you need to do. It will increase your concentration so that you will not be easily distracted. Montana Agate is a good support stone when it comes to career or business. Montana Agate utilizes water energy.



Onyx is a translucent to opaque chalcedony. Onyx has the classic banding of agate. Onyx occurs in a wide range of colours including yellow, red, brown, green depending on the mineral inclusions in the crystal. Onyx occurs most often as black or white. The structure of the onyx lends itself to carving into cameos. Agate is a Hunter Changer crystal.


Snakeskin Agate

This is an exceptionally cheerful stone that will assist you in eliminating worry and depression from everyday life and connects you instead to the joy of living. It will remind you that, just as a snake sheds its skin, you can shed your past and be reborn. This stone will activate your Kundalini energy if used with the base or sacral chakras. Most Agate stones, including Snakeskin Agate, carry water energy. Agate is a Hunter Changer crystal.



It is a stone of magic that will create a connection with the higher realms, and aid channeling, as well as taking you down and strongly grounding you. Agate is a Hunter Changer crystal.


Agate Eyes will work as a balancer in your life and help you overcome your obstacles, achieve good luck in your financial pursuits, and stabilize your thoughts and emotions while doing so. Agate is a Hunter Changer crystal. This stone will fill you with optimism and tranquility, even when you are going through tough and confusing times. Agate Eyes will give you victory in conflict, and it will make you see the lessons behind your failures.


Carnelian Stone

These orange stones are a type of chalcedony which is a variety of quartz crystal, so they have the added advantage that the quartz will amplify their energy. Agate is a Hunter Changer crystal.

These orange crystals are Leo, Taurus and Cancer birthstone. Carnelian has Fire energy and is used in the south area of a home or room. Fire elemental energy is the energy of enthusiasm, warmth, brightness, illumination and activity.


Turritella Agate is the popular name used for a brown, translucent, fossiliferous agate found in the Green River Formation of Wyoming. As a record keeper crystal, it may be used to gain access to the wisdom of past worlds and past life recall. Turritella Agate will help stabilize your aura and transmute the negative energies in your body. It has a unique cleansing effect that will be powerful at all levels. Turritella Agates are Hunter

Healing energy talisman witn Bulgarian mineral

Healing energy talisman witn Bulgarian mineral

Energy Vibrations





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• скръбта дава вибрации - от 0,1 до 2 Hz;

• страх - от 0,2 до 2,2 Hz;

• негодувание - от 0,6 до 3,3 Hz;

• дразнене - от 0,9 до 3,8 Hz;

• смущение - от 0,6 до 1,9 Hz;

• избухливост - 0,9 Hz;

• ярост - 0,5 Hz;

• гняв - 1,4 Hz;

• горделивост - 0,8 Hz;

• гордост (мания за величие) - 3.1 Hz;

• пренебрегване - 1,5 Hz;

• превъзходство - 1.9 Hz;

• великодушие - 95 Hz;

• благодарност (Благодаря!) - 45 Hz;

• сърдечна благодарност - от 140 Hz и повече;

• чувство за единство с други хора - 144 Hz и повече;

• състрадание - от 150 Hz и повече (а жалостта е само 3 Hz);

• любов (когато човек разбира, че любовта е добро, светло чувство и голяма сила, но все още не се е научил да обича със сърцето си) вибрация - 50 Hz;

• любовта, която човек поражда със сърцето си към всички хора без изключение и към всички живи същества - от 150 Hz и повече;

• безусловна, жертвена, вселенска любов - от 205 Hz и по-горе

Healing talisman with Bulgarian minerals

Healing talisman with Bulgarian minerals

Crystals, minerals, gemstones healing energy


Talisman Crystal Energy - list /

Списък енергия на кристалите и талисманите

-       Refine talisman Crystal energy. All this are natural crystals from a single element. The pure motives will align with the pure elemental power of the Refine Talisman. Even a small piece of natural silver, sulfur or diamond can aid you when you are on a quest to be faithful to an ideal. You can dedicate yourself to a goal in aid of others, or share your time to support the needs of others. This talisman help you to accomplish high purpose tasks, promote working for peace, honesty, supporting charity, building patience, protecting innocence, giving joy to others, achieving spiritual growth and building faith. Refine talisman Crystals are - Aluminium, Antimony, Arsenic, Bismuth, Ballas, Black Diamond, Black lead, Copper blooms, Diamond, Graphite Carbon, Cadmium, Chromium, Cobalt, Copper, Gold, Indium, Iron, Iridium, Lead, Manganese, Mercury, Molybdenum, Nickel, Niobium, Osmium, Palladium, Platinum, Rhenium, Rhodium, Selenium, Silver, Silicon, Shungite, Sulfur, Tantalum, Tellurium, Tin, Titanium, Tungsten, Vanadium, Zinc

Reflector talisman Crystal energy. This shiny surface talisman crystals reflect what is normally hidden. The first step in self improvement is to understand how you got to where you are. These crystals reveal that which is hidden, reveal truths and give you the ability to see things as they really are. They are excellent aids in knowing yourself. They reflect you as you are. We must learn about ourselves before we can make meaningful change. Reflector talisman Crystals are very useful as self-help crystals. Talisman energy which helps to see what is hidden from us. Argentite, Arsenopyrite, Berthierite, Binnite, Blende, Boulangerite, Bournonite, Bravoite, Breithauptite, Cervantite, Chloanthite, Cog Wheel Ore, Copper Nickel, Dark Ruby Silver, Enargite, Gersdorffite, Hauerite, Iron Pyrite, Jamesonite, Light Ruby Silver, Niccolite, Nickeline, Opriment, Peackok Copper \ Ore, Polybasite, Proustite, Pyrargyrite, Pyrite Dollars \ Suns, Pyrrhotite, Skutterudite, Stephanite, Tennantite, Tetrahedrite, Sphalerite - Cleiophane - Blende or Zinc Blende - Ruby Blende – Marmatite. Acanthite, Chalcocite, Bornite, Galena, Chalcopyrite, Pyrrhotite, Millerite, Pentlandite, Covellite, Cinnabar, Realgar, Orpiment, Stibnite, Pyrite, Marcasite, Molybdenite, Cobaltite, Arsenopyrite, Gersdorffite, Pyrargyrite, Proustite, Tetrahedrite, Tennantite, Enargite, Bournonite, Jamesonite, Cylindrite.

-       Changer Talisman Crystal energy. Transformation is a key use of crystal energy and power. The transformative powers of these crystals are stunning. Efforts to change our situations, prospects, health, relationships, or ourselves can be supported by Changer Talisman Crystal energy. Many people are searching for a better life. We all are striving to transform ourselves into something more desirable, employable, happier or capable. Transforming ourselves is a necessary first step. By transforming ourselves we can transform our lives. Changer Crystals - Tiger's Eye, Chestnut Jasper, Yellow Opal, Pink Opal, Petrified Wood, Rutilated Quartz, Chevron Amethyst, Arizona Landscape Opal, Smoky Quartz, Feldspars, Clear Quartz Egg, Aqua Aura Quartz Crystal, Lemurian Crystal, Zebradorite, Brandberg Quartz, Smoky Citrine, Lemurian Seed Crystal, Agate Aura, Angel Aura Quartz, Fire Quartz, Leopard Skin, Dalmatian Jasper, Ruby and Zoisite,Rainbow Obsidian, Stromatolite, Yellow Jasper, Silver Banded Agate, Ruby, Picture Jasper, Sapphire, Fairy Wand, Ascendancy Quartz, Peanut Wood, Electric Blue Wintergreen Aura Quartz Stone, Atlantean Record Keeper, Herkimer Diamond, Rose Aura Quartz, Stichtite, Orbicular Jasper, Cats Eye Moonstone - Feldspars, Opal Flower, Dendritic Quartz, Marra Mimba Jasper, Moss Agate, Tangerine Agate, Montana Agate, Morrisonite Jasper, Strawberry Rutilated Quartz, Owyhee Jasper, Tiger Iron, Blue Lace Agate, RoseQuartz, Red Tiger's Eye, Blue Tiger's Eye, Red Quartz, Samadhi Quartz, Super Seven Crystal, Pink Himalayan Samadhi Empathic Warrior Quartz, Blue Agate, Himalayan Clear Quartz, Hourglass Amethyst, Beta Quartz, Black Onyx, Red Banded Jasper, Rainbow Quartz, Onyx Snake, Que-Sera, KambabaJasper, Chestnut Jasper, Verdite Jasper, Moon Quartz, Goldstone Medium, Merlinite, Brecciated Jasper, Sci-Fi Jasper, Leopard Skin, South African Jasper, Ankara Stick Agate, Isis Quartz, Included Quartz, Snowflake Obsidian, Ruby in Fuschite, Ruby in Kyanite, Crystal Ruby, Carnelian, Desert Jasper, Metamorphosis Quartz, Shiva Lingam Stone,Blue Quartz, Pink Aventurine, Mixed Quartz, Hawk's Eye, Verdite Jasper, Pietersite, Wulfenite, Oregon Agate, Plume Agate, Orange Agate, Polychrome Jasper, Actinolite Crystal, Dendritic Quartz, Nepal Isis Quartz, Mahogany Obsidian, Nepal Quartz, Ammonite Snail, Stromatolite, Kunzite, Sea Jasper, Golden Quartz, Emerald, Mookaite, Prasiolite, Citrine, Apache Tears, Crazy Lace Agate, Blue Chalcedony, Pink Botswana Agate, Ruby in Matrix, Black Agate, Ethiopian Opal, Fire Moonstone, Bumble Bee, Cats Eye, RutilatedQuartz, Tiffany Stone, Dendritic Agate, Noreena Jasper, Biggs Jasper, Blue Onyx, Titanium Aura Quartz, Pink Jasper, Golden Quartz, Red Quart, Dream Stone, White Plume Agate, Specular Hematite, Green Goldstone, Minnesota Pipestone, Tanzanite, Tabasco, Lightning Ridge Opal, Pakistan Quartz, Eye of Shiva, Alexandrite, Agatized coral, Agate jasper, Amberine, Aventurine, Azeztulite, Azurlite, Basanite, Basinite, Bayanite, Bi-color Sapphire, Binghamite, Bird of Paradise, Black Skin Agate, Black Zebra Agate, Blood Agate, Blood Jasper, Bloodstone, Lace agate, Mist chalcedony, Mountain Picture Jasper, Sapphire, Star Sapphire, Bog Iron Ore, Boracite, Borax, Botstwana and Brazil Agate, Breccia, California Moonstone - Feldspars, Cambay, Canary Stone, Cornelian, Onyx, Catalinaite, Cat`s Eye, Caviar Agate, Ceragate, Chalcotrichite, Chapagne Citrine, Chapinite, Chinese Opal, Chtysojasper, Chrysoprase, Cinnabar Matrix, Corondrum, Creolite, Cuyunite, Cymophane, Dallasite, Dalmatian Jasper, Damsonite, Demion, Depalite, Deschuters, DumortieriteQuartz, Edinite, Eldoradoite, Ezteri, Ametrin. Anatase, boehmite, brookite, brucite, cassiterite, chromite, chrysoberyl, columbite, corundum, cuprite, delafossite, diaspore, euxenite, franklinite, gibbsite, goethite, hausmannite, hematite, ilmenite, lepidocrocite, litharge, magnetite, manganite, massicot, periclase, perovskite, psilomelane, pyrochlore, pyrolusite, rutile, spinel, tenorite, thorianite, uraninite.

Creator Talisman Crystal energy is used when you desire to build something new that might have value in our future. Creator Talisman Crystal energy help in development efforts, in learning new skills and knowledge, and in building new relationships. Finding your true love, getting your perfect home, having financially secure future. Creator Talisman Crystal energy is excellent in applications in which something new needs to be made from something old, to focus on efforts to achieve a highly desirable goal. help Creator Talisman Crystal energy helps you to build up a bad environment into a better one. Creator Crystals - Vanadinite, Orange calcite, Red jasper, Malachite, Fire Quartz, Petalite, Honey Calcite, Azurite and Malachite, White Calcite, Elestial Calcite, Dragon Tooth Crystal, Azurite Sun, Milpillas Azurite, Stichtite, Tangerine Agate, Vivianite, Moss Agate, Montana Agate, Chrysanthemum Stone, Apophyllite, Pink Mangano Calcite, Orange Calcite, Red Malachite, Sci-Fi Jasper, Ankara Stick Agate, Red Coral, Aragonite, Septarian, Wulfenite, Rhodochrosite, Orange Agate, Pearls, Blue Calcite, Mookaite, Red Horn Coral, Snakeskin Agate, K2, Fire Agate, Cobalt Calcite, Tabasco, Minesota pipestone, Snakeskin Agate, Thunderegg, White Plume Agate, Banded Jasper, Chiastolite. Carbonate divisions, Calcite group: triagonal - Calcite, Gaspeite. Magnesite, Otavite, Siderite, Smithsonite, Spherocobaltite, Aragonite group: orthorhombic, Cerussite, Strontianite, Witherite, Rutherfordine, Natrite. Anhydrous carbonates with compound formulas, Dolomite group:trigonal - Ankerite, Dolomite, Huntite, Minrecordite, Barytocalcite. Carbonates with hydroxyl or halogen - Carbonate with - hydroxide, monoclinic - Azurite, Hydrocerussite, Malachite, Rosasite, Phosgenite, Hydrozincite, Aurichalcite. Hydrated carbonates - Hydromagnesite - Ikaite, Lansfordite, Monohydrocalcite, Natron, Zellerite.

-       Hardener Talisman Crystal energy keep negative energy away. Hardener Talisman Crystal energy will support you to resist temptations and resist distractions from your goals. They arepotent crystals of strength, vigor and resistance because of his color ray and earth power. Hardener Crystals are - Spessartite Garnet, Silver Topaz, Peridot, Blue Topaz, Red Topaz, Poldervaartite, Dumortierite, Blue Kyanite, Green Kyanite, Orange Kyanite, Almandine Garnet, Transvaal Jade, Scapolite, Phenakite, Hessonite, Eclogite, Imperial Topaz.

Blending Talisman Crystal energy. Eather you are leader of a small group and seek to ensure it works well together to accomplish your goals and continues to be effective or focusing your energy on relationships between two people or within a family. Blending Talisman Crystal energy brings forces of pairing. Blending talisman are great crystals for community group efforts, keep unity within a partnership or family group, keeping people together and happy. Blending Talisman Crystal energy is benefitial for political efforts as well. Blending Crystals are Unakite  Pink Feldspar and Epidote, Nunderite, Hemimorphite, Rutilated Red Epidote, Epidote, Vesuvianite, Pumpellyite, Zoisite, Tanzanite, Axinite, Clinozoisite, Allanite, Dollaseite, IIvaite, Lawsonite,

-       Joiner Talisman Crystal energy. If you wish to working out difficulties caused by differing points of view, and negotiating – you must use Joiner Talisman Crystal energy. This energy is useful in cementing relationships and agreements. Joiner Talisman Crystal help hold things together, get people working together and getting a consensus. They help keep communities, and organizations together. Joiner Talisman Crystal energy promote long-term relationships. Joiner Crystals are Lepidolite, Petalite, Prehnite, Cavansite, Rose Mica, Seraphinite, Apophyllite, Chlorite, Atlantisite, Serpentine, Biotite, Brucite, Cavancite, Fuchsite, Astrophilite, Cytha, Coquimbite, Muscovite, Phlogopite, Margarite, Glauconite, Antigorite, Chrysotile, Lizardite, Halloysite, Kaolinite, Illite, Montmorillonite, Vermiculite, Talc, Sepiolite, Palygorskite, Pyrophyllite.

Vitaliser Talisman Crystals will give you energy to protect what you value, enhance your life, gain what you seek. Vitaliser Crystals are Lolite, Tourmaline,Aquamarine, Axinite, Heliodor, Morganite, Eudialyte, Rhodonite,Sugilite, Dumortierite, Chrysocolla, Brandberg Mercedes, Brandberg, Diopside, Emerald, Cats Eye Aquamarine, Malachite, and Azurite, Beryls.

-       Hunter Crystals Explained - These are crystals for new beginnings, new discoveries and fresh start. Hunters help you find that which you desire. Hunters give you the needed ability to focus. These crystals will help you be successful in starting a new idea. The Hunter crystals help you to discover new opportunities and to achieve new goals. They help you align your feelings for new beginnings into thoughts that are focused on discovery. When you need help to find new relationships, new love, new capabilities, new experiences, or new ways of living. New actions, new habits, new life and discovery of new approaches, new angles and new beginnings you seek. Hunter Crystals are: Tiger's Eye, Chestnut Jasper, Petrified Wood, Rutilated Quartz, Black Chevron Amethyst, Brown and White Calcite, Clear Quartz, Aqua Aura Quartz, Angel Aura Quartz, Golden Aura Quartz, Tangerine Aura Quartz, Apple Aura Quartz, Indigo Aura Quartz, Ruby Aura Quartz, Cranberry Aura Quartz, Rose Aura Quartz, Electric Blue Wintergreen Aura Quartz, Agate Aura Stone, Lemurian Crystal, Brandberg Amethyst, Zebradorite, Smoky Citrine, Tourmaline, Orange Calcite, Red Jasper, Prasiolite Quartz, Leopard Skin, Peacock Ore, Petalite, Dalmatian, Rainbow Obsidian, Stromatolite, Honey Calcite, Yellow Jasper, Silver Banded Agate, Ruby, Picture Jasper, Pink Tourmaline, Sapphire, Turritella Agate, Orthocera, Chrysoprase, Fairy Wand, DioptaseCrystal, White Calcite, Herkimer Diamond, Blue Lace Agate, Ascendancy Quartz, Peanut Wood, Dragon Tooth, Cacoxenite, Atlantean Record Keeper, Stichtite, Orbicular Jasper, Blue Chalcedony, Cats Eye Moonstone, Metamorphosis Quartz, Dendritic Quartz, Marra Mimba Jasper, Morrisonite Jasper, Tangerine Agate, Eudialyte, Montana Agate, Abalone Shell, StrawberryRutilated, Seraphinite, Rose Quartz, Botswana Agate, Arsenopyrite, Agatized Coral, Rainbow Quartz Crystal, Chrysanthemum Stone, Sphalerite, Super Seven, Apophyllite, Samadhi Quartz, Twilight Mountain Amethyst, Pyrite, Black Onyx, Trolleite, Pink Mangano Calcite, Red Banded Jasper, Onyx Snake, Que-Sera, Chestnut Jasper, Bruno Jasper L, Silver Pyrite, Merlinite, Brecciated Jasper, Sci-Fi Jasper, Amber, Ankara Stick Agate, Coprolite, Zircon, Pink Aventurine, Verdite Jasper, Yellow Jasper, Pietersite, Wulfenite, Rhodochrosite, Larimar, Oregon Agate, Plume Agate, Purple Agate, Hematite, Dendritic Quartz, Polychrome, Ammonite Snail, Kunzite, Carnelian, Blue Calcite, Apatite, Serpentine, Ruby and Zoisite , Ruby Fuschite, Ruby and Kyanite, Ruby in Matrix, Deschutes Jasper, Starry Night, Emerald, Mookaite, Obsidian, Ametrine, Bloodstone, Apache Tears, Crazy Lace Agate, Crystal Ruby, Bumble Bee, Cats Eye Rutilated, Cats Eye Aquamarine, Tiffany Stone, Noreena Jasper, Picasso Jasper, Leopard Skin Jasper, Moss Agate, Snakeskin Agate, Rainforest Jasper, Dendritic Jasper, Pink Moonstone, Titanium Cobalt Blue Quartz, Thunderegg, Ocean Jasper, Tanzanite, Blue Dalmatian Jasper, Snake River Black Agate, Pyrite, Tabasco, Fire Agate, Hibonite, Actinolite, Phenakite. Abellaite, Gmelinite, Orlymanite, Achávalite, Agakhanovite, Agardite.


Balancer Crystals Explained - Crystals that help us to cope with demands placed on us. The Balancers are excellent at restoring the natural balance in situations that have become unstable. They can help you restore equilibrium in your life. All humans need a center. Balancers help us get through hard times. They put things right. They protect us from outside influences, temper shocks and add some softener pad to our efforts to deal with the bumps and bruises of life. Balancer Crystals are: Triphylite, Monazite, Hinsdalite, Pyromorphite, Erythrite, Amblygonite, lazulite, Wavellite, Turquoise, Autunite, Phosphophyllite, Struvite, Xenotime, Apatite - hydroxylapatite, fluorapatite, chlorapatite, bromapatite. Arseniosiderite-mitridatite and robertsite series, Montebrasite, Herderite, Väyrynenite, Beryllonite, Phosphosiderite, Adamite, Agardite, Amblygonite, Annabergite, Arrojadite, Arthurite, Atelestite, Beryllonite, Brazilianite, Campylite, Carminite, Carnotite, Cats eye apatite, Ceruleite, Chalcophyllite, Childrenite, Chinese turquoise, Chrysoberyl, Clinoclase, Cobalt bloom, Conichalcite, Cornetite, Creedite, Cuproadamite, Descloizite, Dufrenite, Duftite, Eosphorite, Erytrite, Gormanite, Guanacoite, Zebradorite, Cacoxenite, Orbicular Jasper, Boulder Turquoise, Amazonite, Seraphinite = Chlorite Jade and Clinochlore, Trolleite, Mimetite, Pyromorphite, Variscite, Larimar, Turquoise, Rhodonite, Vanadinite, Chatoyant Cat's Eye, Amber, Heulandite, Triplite.


-       Shield Crystals Explained – Crystals that promote optimism and filter out negative energy. Shield Crystals are excellent for improving your life. Shield are similar to Balancer, but with more specific use. The Shield are used to keep negative energy away from you. When you want to see the best in others, to see the good side of something. We all need help seeing the beauty in life, the good in humanity. Many efforts to gain what we lack depend on a constant positive outlook and an ability to see the good side of life. The Shield crystals are excellent crystals for variety of efforts. Shield Crystals are: Sunstone, Scolecite, Sodalite, Lapis Lazuli, Pink Moonstone, Labradorite, Cats Eye Moonstone, Amazonite, Fire Moonstone, Fuschite Included Quartz, Pink Girasol, Scapolite, Stishovite, Coesite, Quartz, Trydinite, Cristobalite, Sanidine, Spectrolit, Lakelandite. Albite, Anorthite, Alpha quartz, Beta quartz, Cristobalite, Tridymite.

Increaser Crystals – This crystal energy moving us in building on our successes and achievements. Crystals that Increaser your style of Life, quality of Relationships, and Capabilities. This crystals are excellent talismans for learning, higher ideals, law and order. Increaser Crystals are used for physically and mentally self-improvement. We allways want to be better, we allways need more and with Increaser Crystals energy we will succsed. Increaser Crystals are: Stilbite, Spessartite Garnet, Lapis Lazuli, Peacock Ore, Garnet, Pyrite with Barite, Sphalerite with Quartz and Pyrite.

Keeper Crystals Explained – Keeper Crystals are excellent aids in protecting your your family, your possessions, and your physical security and your dreams. They are very useful in protecting phisical valuables. If you have prized possessions you want to guard and protect, use a Keeper crystal. They are also useful for travelers and adventures to take with them on their travels as insurance against harm. They are talisman for dangerous duties. They also serve to guard your beliefs against doubt. Also protect your spirits. These crystals are guardians for your self.

Azurite, Okenite, Zebradorite, Preseli Bluestone, Lepidolite, Malachite, Petalite, Unakite = pink feldspar and Epidote, Howlite, Azurite and Malachite, Nuummite, Jade, Lithium, Rose Mica, Axinite, Morganite, Azurite Sun, Milpillas Azurite, Cats Eye Moonstone, Tangerine Agate, Vivianite, Moss Agate, Montana Agate, Seraphinite, Apophyllite, Black Onyx, Trolleite, Scolecite, Cinabrite, Black Jade, Idocrase, Charoite, Ankara Stick Agate, Atlantisite, Epidote, Ghost Jade, Purple Lepidolite, Kunzite, Serpentine, Fire Moonstone, Snakeskin Agate, Oregon Jade, K2, Blue Onyx, Pink Moonstone, Yellow Onyx, Golden Onyx, Sardonyx, Selenite, Tabasco, Celestite, Moonstone, Triplite,Aegirine, Gageite.




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