ElementS by VASKOHand made Talismans for you and your friends.

ElementS by VASKOHand made Talismans for you and your friends.


ElementS by VASKO Healing Energy of crystals, minerals, gemstones and other creations

ElementS by VASKO Следствие и последствие. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gnf5SFuCMGI



Ангели – вибрации - кристали, цветове, аромати, музика, мисли, емоции


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Всяко нещо има следствие и последствие. Добро или зло.

Всяко Нещо, което имаш – е следствие, резултат.

Ако не ти харесва това, което имаш, помисли  Как да се промениш, за да получиш това, което искаш; защото то е резултат от теб. То е резултат от вътрешните ти качества, достойнства, емоции.

То е резултат от това, което мислиш!


• Стъпки за постигане на промяна



Моли се да бъдеш изчистен, моли се да ти бъде простено, да бъдат простени злините, които си извършил и злите неща, които си причинил на много други хора.

Моли се да бъде простено на други хора, които са ти направили злини.

Моли се с вяра За това, което искаш. Моли се и благодари За това, че го имаш. Всяка молитва ще бъде чута, всяка молитва, която не е в разрез с Божията воля, ще се изпълни.

Моли се на Светия дух и на Ангелите.

Ние сме божии създания, ще бъдем чути и запазени.



Прости чрез молитва на всеки, който ти е направил зло.

Прости на себе си за всяка зла мисъл към себе си и всички други,  хора или всякакви живи същества.


Приеми светът такъв, какъвто е. Водата е мокра, огънят изгаря, тревата е зелена и може да те среже. Наслаждавай се на света такъв, какъвто е. Намери красивото във всяко творение, каквото си и ти. Търси красивото в света, за да му се радваш.

Опознавай себе си и се възпитавай в посока на създаване на положителни емоции. Приеми себе си. Всеки е уникален и към всеки природата или Светият дух има специални задачи, мисии.

Всеки прави избори – направи своите в посока на това да си здрав, радостен, щастлив, успешен и (без това да е във вреда на някой друг) с излъчване на добро, което всеки, който те срещне, ще помни задълго.

Доброто и любовта са по-заразни от всичко друго.


Всяко нещо което желаеш, може да се получи, когато изминеш всички стъпки, които са нужни за реализацията му, което става с постоянство и труд, и с време. Когато се случи така, то ще е стабилно и ценно. Началото е с молитва и благодарност.


Човек е съвкупност от емоции, чувства, разум,

Ако искаш да отслабнеш - то ще стане. Това е свързано със здравето ти. Ще стане, когато промениш себе си като сегашен човек. Тогава новият човек, който ще станеш, ще има нужда от ново тяло и новото тяло, което искаш - ще се получи, то ще е резултат.

Когато искаш да живееш в различна материална среда е същото.

Приеми себе си, за да си здрав.

Приеми себе си. Приеми и другите такива, каквито са. Приемането е най-важното условие за надграждане на твоето положително развитие.

Обичай, за да си здрав. „Искай и ще ти се даде“


Спри да се тревожиш или притесняваш, прави и създавай.

Поставяй си цели, които да те мотивират да бъдеш положителен.

Когато целите са в синхрон с плана на Твореца, те ще се случат за миг.

Ти можеш да постигнеш, каквото желаеш, когато си зададеш въпроса  – как аз мога да го постигна и започнеш да търсиш начините За това. Казано е – „Който търси, намира“.


Ако имаш цел нещо да се промени, нека тази цел да си ти, защото от опит знаеш, колко е трудно да се промениш, следователно знаеш, че е невъзможно да промениш друг, но можеш да засадиш семе в него за промяна.


Много неща могат да ти помогнат да си по-здрав психически, физически, емоционално, интелектуално или енергийно. Движение, сън, постоянство, рутина, дишане, забавление и смях, хранене. Само твоето вътрешно – истинско аз знае пропорциите от кое и по колко, за да се случи промяната в теб. Затова казвам, че рационалното – здравословно хранене е само част от здравето на един човек. Здравословният начин на живот е букет от различни неща, които всеки един от нас трябва да направи лично и самостоятелно в съзнанието си и наяве.


Поеми отговорност за състоянието, в което се намираш. Казахме, че всичко, което имаш, е резултат от твоето действие или бездействие. Сега поеми отговорност за този резултат. И вземи решение, ако този резултат не ти харесва, да го промениш. Действай. И носи отговорност за действията си. Те може да бъдат – мисли, емоции, думи, действия. Ти си Отговорен. Нищо не те извинява или оправдава пред Твореца, дори ти да си мислиш, че имаш извинение за глупавите приказки, които повтаряш непрекъснато ужким по навик, или казвайки, че видиш ли, това Нищо не значи за мен.


Човек има съзнание и носи отговорност. Човек има и подсъзнание, което има една основна задача – да го преведе от точка А – раждането до точка Б -  преминаването. Та подсъзнанието слуша и записва всяка секунда какво точно му казваш и прави точно това и точно така, както му го казваш. То не ти разбира навиците и шегите, то е праволинейно и буквално. Затова, когато казваш, че си уморен до смърт, че умираш за баничка или семки, или пуканки, или че едва издържаш на определено място или с някакви хора – това се получава Като Резултат. Всичко е резултат. Така че, следващия път, когато започнеш да се оплакваш от всичко и от всички,  ти кодираш, планираш и в резултат получаваш всичко, за което говориш. „Казана дума, хвърлен камък“.

Всеки сам взима решенията си, върви по пътя на решенията си и получава резултата от решенията си, на никой не можеш да му промениш пътя насила, той няма да ти разреши. Дори и да направиш въпреки него нещо в посока да му Помогнеш – то твоите разходи във време, енергия, усилия или финанси ще са напразно. „Насила хубост не става“.


Винаги можеш да започнеш да правиш това, което искаш, винаги можеш да научиш нещо ново, от всеки човек можеш да разбереш нещо интересно, когато искаш. Има една приказка, която казва, че когато на един кораб няма вятър, това е времето за подготовка, почистване или дори почивка, защото когато дойде вятър, ти ще си зает в поддържане на курса, който си поел. Казах вече, че за да е успешна една задача, която си си поставил, трябва да се изпълнят много стъпки и детайли в нея, това изисква време. „Залудо работи, залудо не стой“.


Това, което аз приех за себе си е, че човек не е сам, ние сме създадени с частица от Светия дух в нас. Имаме тези тела във физическото измерение, за да се движи в енергията. Тези наши тела са храма, в който трябва да пазим тази частица дадена ни от Светия дух. Колкото по-добре се грижим за чистотата на нашата душа и чистотата на този храм, толкова повече този храм ще е по-здрав. „Здрав дух, здраво тяло“.


Когато работя с кристали и камъни и правя талисман за някой човек, най-верния знак, че даден кристал или камък е точно за него, е това, че той мигновено го взима в ръка, след това го задържа с две ръце като молитва и му се радва. Това е нещо, което говори повече от думите.

Слушай и чувай вътрешния си глас. Това е свързано и с темата, която вече обсъждахме - За това да познаваш себе си. Защото само и единствено, когато познаваш себе си, ти ще можеш, ако искаш да тръгнеш да променяш нещо.

В течение на времето, семейството, училището и улицата зариват твоето истинско Аз. С помощта на егото разбира се. Това, което ти ще направиш е да го изчистиш и извадиш от там, където е забутано. Това е при условие, че искаш да си здрав разбира се. Ако искаш да продължиш да си мрънкаш и мърмориш, продължаваш да си мрънкаш и да си мърмориш -  но вече на всички ще е ясно, че ти не искаш да промениш нищо, било то от мързел или просто искаш по-скоро да преминеш от точка А към точка Б. Аз го наричам самоубийство. Да, точно това стои зад причината „млади“ хора на по 20-30-40 години да умират и всички да са много „изненадани“ и „опечалени“ – „Ама как така, той/тя беше толкова млад/а“, ето така и поради тази проста причина. Тръгнали са по грешен път и не са спрели.

Всеки един от нас знае верния път, защото той е закодиран в нас. Ние носим частица от Светия дух. Няма оправдание и извинение за ходенето по други пътища. Има Отговорност за действия и Резултати. „Да би мирно седяло, не би чудо видяло“.


Живеем в енергиен океан, всички сме свързани на енергийно ниво. Факт е, че много хора носят маски. Маска на добър или загрижен човек или на работлив. Те естествено винаги падат, но друго искам да кажа. Живеейки в енергиен свят, всеки има своя енергия и вибрации. Тази енергия и вибрация не можеш да фалшифицираш или скриеш. Всеки усеща всеки. Ние „виждаме“ много често на подсъзнателно ниво всичко. Понякога не се разбира съзнателно веднага, но винаги има нещо, което му остава на човек като лош дъх след среща в нечиста, зла енергия. Работи в посока да вдигаш собствената си положителна енергия. Това има много ползи. Една от ползите е, че в среда на висока и положителна енергия не вирее зла енергия. Така ти ще си запазен и съхранен от зла енергия и влияние. Другата полза е, че по този начин ти ще помогнеш на други хора в техния път към доброто. Доброто и любовта са по-заразни от злото.


Мисли добро, прави добро, радвай се на добро и добро ще имаш. Мозъкът  на човек е устроен така, че той може да се радва и на мечти. Мозъкът обаче не прави разлика дали е мечта или се е случило. Това е тайната на „успелите“ хора. Това е и ситуацията с мрънкащите. Всеки получава това, за което говори.


Всеки човек е отговорен За това да мисли добро, да прави добро. Да създава. Това е отговорност.


Казах,  че всеки знае верния път. Понякога обаче много се е отклонил и има сериозни поражения върху всички нива на здравето на човек. Дори в такива моменти не е късно да се търси и да се върви по правия път. Никой не е казал, че е лесно, защото много щети са нанесени. Казвам , че всеки може да вземе решение. Да върви по прав път. Тук е момента да кажа, че винаги има помощ.


Да. Тази помощ е тук около нас. Това са Ангелите.

Това са кристалите и живата природа.

Те са тук заради нас. От нас зависи как да се опрем на тази помощ и да се ползваме от нея. И нещо много важно – тази помощ може да действа само по правилния път.

За камъните и кристалите в Библията

А това е обещанието написано преди много години:

Изход 28:21
Камъните да бъдат дванадесет, според имената на синовете на Израиля, според техните имена, както се изрязва печат; да бъдат за дванадесетте племена, всеки камък според името му.


Исус Навин 24:27
И Исус каза на всичките люде: Ето тоя камък ще ни бъде за свидетел, защото той чу всичките думи, които Господ ни говори, и той ще ви бъде за свидетел, в случай, че се откажете от вашия Бог



Езекиил 28:13
Ти бе в Божията градина, в Едем; ти бе обсипан с всякакви скъпоценни камъни: със карнеол, топаз, диамант, перидот, оникс, яспис, сапфир, гранат, смарагд и със злато; направата на тъпанчетата и на свирките ти е била приготвена за тебе в деня, когато си бил създаден.


Откровение 21:19
19 Основните камъни на градските стени бяха украсени с всякакви скъпоценни камъни: първият основен камък беше яспис, вторият сапфир, третият халкидон, четвъртият смарагд, 20 петият сардоникс, шестият карнеол, седмият хрисолит, осмият гранат, деветият топаз, десетият перидот, единадесетият циркон, дванадесетият аметист. 21 И дванадесетте порти бяха дванадесет бисера; всяка порта бе от един бисер; и улицата на града беше от чисто злато, прозрачно като стъкло. 22 И храм не видях в него, защото неговият храм е Господ Бог Всемогъщият и Агнето.

Лостовата система

• Лостовата система

Много хора са съгласни с разбирането, че „няма нищо случайно“, което кореспондира с тезата за предопределеност за всичко, което се случва. Основно това, което се случва предопределено, са процесите на промяната от една енергия към друга, по-добра.

Всеки един от нас е с висша енергия, всеки носи в себе си Святи дух. За това се казва, че сме храм на Святия дух. И затова е добре да се грижим за тялото и това, което го обитава.

Но – за Лостовата система.

Няма случайни неща, така мисля за себе си. И всеки има цел да върви към по-добро. Да, обаче понякога всеки човек без да иска се разсейва. Или просто взима удобни решения. Те понякога го отклоняват от неговия порив и кодирана висша цел. Да, точно тогава се появява силен човек, който служи за Лост и ни отклонява от сегашното ни решение или ни мотивира безкрайно, за да отстояваме именно и точно това решение с всички сили. Наричаме тези силни хора с всякакви неприятни имена, но те са наши помощници. Аз се научих да благодаря вътрешно, когато такива хора се появят около мен.

Има хора, които идват по Повод, в почти обикновени случки. Примерно, искаш да се запишеш на някакъв курс и се появява човек,  който или ти помага финансово или с контакти за целта, или те блъска автомобил колкото да те изплаши, без травми. Това са послания. След това, когато тази случка, желание, й мине времето – ти тези участници може и най-вероятно никога повече няма да ги видиш, защото причината за срещата е изчерпана.

Има хора, които може да ги наричаш противници, приятели или кумове. Това са хората, които са симетрично на теб в дълги проекти като образование, работа, женитба. Те са с теб по тази причина, да постигнеш нещата, свързани с този дълъг процес на развитие. За разлика от повод, причините са дългогодишни.

И в течение на времето разбираш какви хора има около теб и защо. С течение на времето ти става ясно - кой остава с теб за цял живот. Много често това са просто няколко хора.

Всички тези хора нямат нищо общо с кръвните роднини, защото кръвната връзка не е ангажимент за разбирателство. То е обещание за това, че имаш племе, с което да общуваш, но не е гаранция, че ще го направиш. Семейството е да те научи, ако може, на това да си успешен и добър човек. Много често не успява, но има и лична отговорност. Обсъждахме морал и ценности и отговорности за личностно развитие.

T - Z - mineral and crystal energy meaning explained



 Tanzanite, assists in manifestation and enhances communication with the gods and spirit world. As a workplace stone, Tanzanite is calming and soothing. Tanzanite is beneficial for overcoming communication difficulties. It is also practical in providing a solution to problems. It is a good stone for career change. Tanzanite utilizes Water energy. Tanzanite is a Remedy Blending crystal.



Tanzine Aura

Good for relaxing stress, increases ability to communicate. Joins love with wisdom to create compassion. Aids in getting rid of headaches and calming fever.



A tektite found only in Tibet. Carries the wisdom of the stars and helps us to access and develop that wisdom. Use to shed the light of a new perspective on issues.



Tiffany Stone (Opalized Fluorite)

An unusual stone found in only one location. Balances the meridians by stimulating grounded flow and easy removal of blockages. An energetic stone that can boost the sex drive and enhance sexual experiences. Also useful in the treatment of fatigue.




Tiger eye

Tiger eye is as a stone of protection, grounding and stabilization. It primarily resonates with the solar plexus chakra and bring a boost to your personal power. Traditionally, tiger eye is carried in the form of an amulet as protection against ill wishes and curses. Tiger Eye is used as a personal talisman to attract wealth and property. It does increase devotion and aids in smoothing differences between life partners. It has strong energy to build leadership and authority. Tiger Eye quartz is a Hunter Changer Crystal.



Gold Brown tiger eye

Gold tiger eye combines earth energy with the energies of the sun to create a high vibrational state that is grounded while bringing the spiritual energies to you. Activate third eye it will enhance your psychic abilities. Tiger eye balances the lower chakras and stimulates the rise of kundalini energy. Tiger Eye quartz is a Hunter Changer Crystal.



Blue Black Tiger Eye.

Blue tiger eye helps you to increase your clairvoyant skills. This stone activates all 6 sensory gifts   clairvoyance (see), clairaudience (hear), clairsentience (feel), clairscent (smell), clairtangency (touch) and clairgustance (taste). Tiger Eye quartz is a Hunter Changer Crystal.



Red Tiger eye

Focuses the mind and will help you to see and understand different perspectives. Gets us in touch with our connection to the Earth. Red tiger eye assists with anaemia, blood and blood cell disorders. It heals eye infections and improves night vision, encourages overall body strength and vitality. Red tiger eye increases your libido and potency, overcomes sexual dysfunction. It will reduce the side effects of menopause, menstruation and psychosomatic illnesses. Tiger Eye quartz is a Hunter Changer Crystal.



Spiritual stone that enables you to see more clearly. Elevates goals and understanding, helps in communicating. Builds strength and provides protection. This stone resonates with the energies of truth, and it will encourage you to speak only the truth with forthrightness and kindness. Turquoise is a powerful Armor Balancer Amulet. Turquoise has Water energy.



Helps to determine the root cause of issues that are apparent in the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies. It works well on any blockages in your Chakras. It allows you to get through the events and emotions that caused blockages from past lives. It is a source of peace, love and carries calming effect. Unakite is a Keeper Blending Crystal.




Variscite assists you in connecting with the frequency of Universal Love. Variscite is helpful in past life exploration, it helps bring visual images of the experience while going deeply into the feelings and experiences of past lives. It is an expansive stone. Variscite will help you keep your life in balance. Variscite is used to respond to aggression and conflict you find in your life. It will soothe and calm you. It will dispel the pain and injury caused by indifference and rudeness. It will focus the Universal Life Force and give you strength of heart and soul. Variscite is a Remedy Balancer Crystal.



This stone stimulates sense of well being, helping to alleviate stress, anxiety, irritability and depression. Vitalite stimulates courage and love if your feelings are blocked because of past traumas. Vitalites energy can clear the path for a healthier energy flow. Vitalite is a stone of generosity. It is a stone of spiritual awakening.



Aids in decision making. Increases intuition and inner knowledge. Assists in times of transition and change. Helps you to find your center in difficult situations. Wavellite is Remedy energy crystal. Remedys are also Restorer Talismans.



Can be used to facilitate Kundalini flow. Through this process, all chakras are activated. Promotes awareness and communication with higher levels. Wulfenite a highly spiritual stone. It enhances and leads your spiritual development beyond the earthly limitations. Wulfenite will fill your personal, professional and spiritual life with vibrations of determination and perseverance. Wulfenite is Enchanter Crystal.



A intense crystal useful in times of fatigue. Stimulates and balances the body's electrical system. Zincite removes energy blocks from the body and allows the life force to flow unhindered. Zincite promotes group activity. This stone attracts abundance at a physical and spiritual level. Zincite can be used to anchor the light body securely into the physical realm. Zincite draws like minded people together and guides them. Zincite clusters are Hunter Changer Crystals.



Transforms negative energy into positive. Dispels idleness. It stimulates fertility and when in combination with ruby, it will increase potency. It is a powerful healer of the emotional body promoting positive states that support healing. Zoisite teaches you about growth, healing and enjoyment of the moment. Zoisite assist you to recognises the illusion of death. It helps you see the gift in every day of life. Remedy Blending Crystal.



S - mineral energy meaning



Helps to open the mind to peace and beauty. Facilitates truth and prosperity to the user. Sapphire is a stone of wisdom, the different colors of Sapphire each containing its own type of wisdom. Also known as a stone of prosperity, Sapphire sustains life force and attracts joy and peace. Sapphire will assist those who wish to achieve success in business without compromising what you believe in. If you feel like your partner is not being completely faithful to you, the energies of this crystal will promote faithfulness and loyalty. Sapphire is a Hunter Changer crystal.



The strong Blue Rays of Sapphire are ideal for awakening and utilizing the Throat and Third Eye Chakras. Working in unison, these chakras not only have the capacity of inner vision, but the focus and ability to communicate your vision to others in an effective way. Blue Sapphire stimulates the Throat Chakra, the voice of the body. Blue Sapphire has Water energy.



Dark Blue or Indigo Sapphire stimulates Third Eye. It is the center of our perception and directs our sight and everyday awareness of the world. It is color of mystery, wisdom and judgment. Dark blue sapphire will allow you to use their full creative potential.



Purple Sapphire is a crystal of awakening. It will increase your spiritual power and your astuteness. It will also bring in more prosperity and help you maintain the blessings in your life.



Violet Sapphire

Connects you with the Divine. Brings out inner beauty and purity. Enriches your spirituality. Violet Lavender talismans provide wisdom of self and focuses on your feelings and understanding. Sapphire is a Hunter Changer crystal.



Green sapphire brings a lucky sense to your life for it allows things to run smoothly and rightly. Green sapphire sapphire allows your creativity to flow freely. Sapphire is a Hunter Changer crystal. Green Sapphire has Wood energy.


Pink Sapphire helps strengthen and balance the heart. Pink Sapphire will assist you to overcome grief and sadness. This stone brings you in contact with your feelings. Pink sapphire represents love, joy, happiness, affection and kindness. Sapphire is a Hunter Changer crystal. Pink Sapphire has a Fire Energy.



White sapphire is a personal stone for it helps you to take care of yourself and your personal needs. White sapphire helps you to be nice to yourself and assist you in protecting yourself from sufferings. White Sapphire brings clarity of connection, communication and direction. Sapphire is a Hunter Changer crystal.



Yellow sapphire connects you to all of your inner knowledge. Yellow sapphire helps you to see what you do not know so you can find the answers. Yellow Sapphire is strong solar plexus chakra. Using the power of your will, you will manifest whatever you desire in your life. Yellow sapphire is stone of prosperity. Yellow sapphire helps you to learn and retain what you have learned, while you seek the answers. Sapphire is a Hunter Changer crystal. Yellow Sapphire has a Fire energy.


Padparadscha Sapphires were originally found in Sri Lanka. It brings you joy, success, curiosity, sexuality and creativity. This stone activates the Hara chakras and the entire Hara line. Very empowering crystal for writers, singers, artists and anyone who wants to express own deepest emotions, thoughts and truths. Padparadscha Sapphire will rise more determination, concern and commitment. It will improve your sex life and make you more connected to your significant other on a physical and emotional level.



Star sapphire

Star sapphire is the Keeper of love as it promotes fidelity and attunes the feelings between lovers. It can be used to banish envy and to encourage social interaction with others. The star in this stone is excellent for focusing and grounding energy. Star sapphire provides you with a connection for working with the angelic realm and light beings in healing.


Orange sapphire will not allow you to deceive yourself at any level. Empowering crystal for people of arts. It makes you look at things in their basic and pure form without distorting it to conform to what you want it to be. It helps you learn. Orange sapphire is a good stone for students, teachers, writers and researchers. It will facilitate a divine inspiration and guide you in bringing your spiritual vision to manifestation.



Black Sapphire.

Black Sapphire brings the wisdom of confidence in your own intuition.

 It is a grounding protection and centering stone. Black Sapphire provides a calm strength in high stress situations. Sapphire is a Hunter Changer crystal. Black Sapphire has Water energy.


Black Star Sapphire

Black Star Sapphire is a stone that will facilitate a clear channel for healing. Black Star Sapphire will create a connection for working with light beings and the angelic realm.



Seraphinite aka Clinochlore

One of the most important stones for healing and connecting with higher energies. Enhances integrity in relationships of all kinds. Powerful Refine and detoxifier of the physical, emotional and mental bodies. Activates, strengthens and balances all the chakras. The energy of the stone stimulate an awakening of the kundalini. Seraphinite is a Keeper Joiner talisman. Seraphinite has Wood Energy.




A power stone. Stimulates an opening in the pathway for the Kundalini travel. Serpentine is associated with the remembrance of past lives and longevity. Serpentine is a Keeper Joiner talisman. Serpentine has Wood Energy. Serpentine intergrows naturally with Stichtite and this combination stone is called Atlantisite.




Energy for reshaping your reality. Combines energies of throat and third eye Chakras for compact verbalization of contacts with the spirit world. Shattuckite is a strong psychic communication stone. Shattuckite aids connection with the Light and Light guidance, it promotes psychic hearing, psychic opening and enhancement. Shattuckite is a Remedy Vitaliser crystal. Shattuckite brings Water Energy.


Moqui Marbles aka Shaman Stones

Shaman Stones are very grounding stones and they are ideal for people who refuse to accept Earth and incarnation in the physical body. This stone plants you firmly on the planet, binds you on the earth plane, reduces psychic awareness when needed. Shaman Stones can be used as protective Keepers during healing sessions, particularly where the removal of entities is necessary. Shaman Stones aid in overcoming the fear of death, so one can pursue your spiritual path without restraint. They act as psychic and physical protection stones during meditative travel.



Provides growth in all endeavors. Assists with clarity of decision making. Helps with intuition, and sensitivity. Can protect the muscular system.



Shiva Lingam

Shiva Lingam stimulate the body’s energetic systems, supporting general healing on all levels. Shiva Lingam activate the sacred kundalini energy bringing enlightenment. Shiva Lingam symbolises both the male and female. Shiva Lingams symbolise the energy of the Creator.


Вече има


Smoky Quartz - няма Дълго


Smoky Quartz calms emotions. Neutralizes negative energy influences. Smoky Quartz is one of the most powerful stones for clearing and purifying your home or work environment, removes negativity and to take out bad emotions. A powerful cleanser and detoxifier for your еnvironment. Smoky Quartz act as strong amplifier of the energy of all the stones surrounding it. Smoky Quartz is perfect choice for Home and Office Talisman.



Sodalite ( / / / / Hackmanite)

Sodalite is a stone of the intellect. It is used to enhance clarity of thought, concentration, and focus.  It enhances understanding of difficult concepts. Sodalite is a Increaser Shield Crystal. Sodalite with its power of a Shield, help to keep negative energy away. Sodalite has Water Energy. Sodalite helps you see where your path lies. Sodalite helps you in remaining true to yourself. Sodalite unites logic and intuition.



Hackmanite is a rare pink, pale to deep violet variety of sodalite that contains sulphur. This stone exhibits tenebrescence (the ability to change colour in natural sunlight). Due to this effect hackmanite is also known as chameleon sodalite. Hackmanite assists in activating your metabolism and the lymphatic system, It heals and strengthens your immune system, throat, vocal cords and larynx, It enhances self esteem and self acceptance. Hackmanite has fine vibration connected to the Earth.



Tugtupite encourages forgiveness and unconditional love, especially for yourself. This stone strengthens your conscious and assists in resolving ethical dilemmas. It eases anxiety, panic attacks, depression and stress. Used in conjunction with Hunters, the Enchanter talismans can provide you with very potent and focused energy. Tugtupite is a highly expansive stone, encouraging the opening of the upper chakras and connection with the higher realms.



Helps enhance intuition, allowing for distinction of fraudulent and genuine information. Used to treat the eyes. Creativity, harmony and spiritual grounding all in one. It will help you differentiate what is true from what is false and what is a delusion of your imagination from your reality. Sphalerite is a Increaser Reflector. Sphalerite has Fire energy and are used in the south area of a home or room.


Sphene aka Titanite

Titanite is a strong stone for manifestation of abundance and prosperity on all levels of your life. Using it with other third eye chakra stones will benefit your mental abilities. This stone combines well with any of the golden stones which stimulate the solar plexus chakra, and this will strengthen its action to manifest.



Stichtite calms the nervous system, helps support healthy blood pressure levels and a positive, healing biochemistry. This stone is able to help you with tension headaches or muscular tension due to stress. Stichtite is a stone of love, unity and cooperation. Stichtite stimulates the kundalini energies, moving dormant energy at the base of the spine up through the chakras to the crown of the head. Stichtite is Hunter Talisman.


Stichtite in Serpentine aka Atlantisite

Assists in expansion of awareness in the emotional aspects of your life. Allows for a calming peace to enter into the environment. Stichtite in Serpentine aka Atlantisite Assists in expansion of awareness in the emotional aspects of your life. Allows for a calming peace to enter into the environment. Atlantisite provides Wood Energy. A Keeper crystal can help you keep true to your ideals and beliefs.



Bismuth is a good stone for business people who work hard and must maintain focus and determined effort to succeed. This stone is also good for programmers, information technology teams, and anyone who is learning how to use a computer of is learning a new computer program. Bismuth has Water energy. Bismuth helps you gain access to the part of your consciousness that connects with the Akashic Records. Bismuth is a Refine Stone.



Stillbite aka Stilbite

One of the most peaceful stones, heals grief. Helps to heal your vibration in a tender and embracing way to restore joy. Teaches softness and gentle strength. Stilbite is an Increaser Creator talisman. If you are not sure what to do next, the vibration of Stilbite is known to assist you to be better organized and may help you to concentrate on the work you are doing. Stibnite channeling high frequency energy and grounding it into the body.




Keeperite is a protective, purifying, balancing, strengthening and uplifting stone that offers you energy to assist you through the challenges of any life transitions that are happening to you.




Opens the connection between the mind and body. Brings calmness and understanding. Sugilite encourages personal transformation. Use it to enhance your meditation practices or assist you in contemplation. Sugilite opens, clears and balances the Kundalini channels and Kundalini chakras. It helps a religious person live well on the earth plane and balancers the Earth's harshness for spiritually oriented people. Sugilite is a Hunter Vitaliser Crystal. Violet colored Sugilite has fire energy.


Albite encourages communication and positive exchanges of energy. It relieves stress and depression. Albite helps with eye problems. The colour of Albite is usually pure white but can be shades of blue, yellow, orange and brown. Give mental clarity. Raise and enhance intellect, insight and intuition. Albite boost immune and respiratory system. Expand your spiritual awareness. Its a stone of transformation.




Andesine is a protective stone, it will help you stay away from harm. It will enhance insight and assist communication with the divine. Andesine brings to light negative emotions and strengthens mental rejuvenation. It assists in enhancing love, passion and romance in relationships. It aids inner vision. Andesine is used to calm anger and stress. It encourages fearlessness in the face of life's challenges.




Gently clears and energizes the chakras. Helps to remove blocks in the communication of the body. Assists in one becoming a sovereign being. As an amulet of protection, Sunstone is a great Armor Shield talisman cristal. Sunstone utilizes Fire energy.



Bytownite assists in personal transformation. It facilitates intellectual stimulation and growth. Its a stone of transformation. Expand your spiritual awareness. Bytownite is a Calcium, Sodium, Aluminium Silicate. It enhances the practice of circular breathing during meditation. Raise and enhance intellect, insight and intuition.



Golden Feldspar

Promotes strength of character. Sheds a light on old issues. A valuable aid in releasing patterns, problems and traumas.



Oregon Sunstone will help you erase sad memories from your past. It will increase your feelings of self worth. Oregon Sunstone will help you understand that to fail at something don't mean that you are a failure. Sunstone is a Armor Shield. Sunstone has Fire energy.



(2661) AWSE

Iolite Sunstone is a stone that carries a bit of both stones, and this mixture is an alternative to using Sunstone.



Super Seven

Attunes you to peace and brotherhood, and the innate gifts that come with the blossoming of cosmic consciousness. Super Seven is also known as Sacred Seven and Melody's Stone. The stones contain Amethyst, Clear Quartz. Smoky Quartz, Cacoxenite, Rutile, Goethite, and Lepidocrocite. This stone is powerful stone for healing your mind and spirit.

P - R - mineral energy explain



The Maori name for New Zealand Greenstone is Pounamu.

Greenstone is a source for great quantities of  Life Force. Greenstone is a stone of longevity and it can be used in healing work to implant the vibrations of vitality and program long life into the body. Greenstone acts as a fountain of vitality, helping you to overcome fatigue and stress. Greenstone supports the heart, lungs and the circulatory system. Greenstone inspires powerful self loyalty and self love.






Connecting You To Higher Realms. Chalcopyrite is a Increaser Reflector talisman it has a positive vibration that is known to increase happiness, joy and belief in yourself, and like most gold stones it is a stone of abundance, joys and balance. Chalcopyrite has a strong healing action in the body with the helps of the universal energies to bring perfect health. It helps the movement of the chi in the body and aids it to go where most needed to dissolves any blockages. Chalcopyrite is a very uplifting crystal that will ground negative energies and allow you to let go of your worries and stress. It has a powerful resonance within the higher chakras. Chalcopyrite is an excellent crystal that will increase your self esteem and remove all your doubts. It will soothe your emotions so that you will not lose sight of what is truly important.


Pyrite. Iron Pyrite aka Fools Gold

For energy and vitality. Pyrite is an excellent energy shield. Pyrite with its strong vibration within the Sacral chakra stimulate male sexual energy. Pyrite reflects the energy of Gold, bringing success, enthusiasm, happiness and power. It is traditionally the color of kings, riches and the sun. Pyrite is an Increaser Reflector crystal. Pyrite promotes diplomacy. Pyrite utilizes Earth energy.



Quan Yin

Highly revered Goddess of Infinite Compassion and Mercy who has been known for thousands of years throughout Asia. She brings assistance and blessings of health and long life. Known also as protector of children and women.



Quantum Quattro Silica

A very soothing but strong stone. Quantum Quattro excellent for meditation and communication. The combination of Shattuckite, Chrysocolla, Dioptase, Smoky Quartz with Malachite is great for hearth healing.


Red Coral

Brings harmony to the forces of nature within yourself. Protects from depression. Opens the base chakra. Coral is the stone of peace and transformation. Coral is a traditional gift for the expectant mother or newborn as a protective amulet. Coral is a talisman that helps Creators, craftsmens and artists to grow in their profession. Red coral is a Creator. Red Coral activates and clears the Crown Chakra.


Bamboo coral. Bamboo coral eases bone disease, arthritis, osteoporosis broken bones, bone degeneration and bone marrow ailments. It helps to build the body's structures. Bamboo coral builds emotional support structures. It develops and builds on all levels. This stone support relationships in your life. Coral is Creator energy talisman.


Black Coral

It promotes conception and fatherhood. Black coral helps you to be the protector of the mother and child and the family. This stone represents nurturing masculinity the male who respects women and life. Black Coral absorbs and transforms negativity from your environment.


Blue coral

This stone calms, stabilises, reduces fear and insecurity. Blue coral heals your relationship with your inner child. Use if you are having trouble understanding your children. Blue coral enables you to be child like, to have fun and play. Coral is Creator talisman energy stone.



Indonesian flower coral releases old pictures and flashbacks of trauma from this or past lives. It will protect you against the return of old unwanted karma. This stone heals after releasing, stabilising and comforting you and acts as a karmic shield. Coral is Creator talisman energy stone.



Pink coral eases morning sickness in pregnant women. This stone will help those who are pregnant for the first time and are afraid of becoming a mother and wondering if they will cope. Pink Coral fosters continuity, activity and structure. This stone stimulates sensitivity to your emotions and physical condition. Pink Coral stimulates and activates the heart chakra and enhances the intuitive aspects of love. Coral is Creator talisman energy stone.



White coral.

White coral help you become aware of your spirit guides. It stabilises a child's psychic abilities and protects them from the denial and criticism of adults. It protects vulnerability and innocence in children and adults. White Coral is used to open and clear the Crown Chakra and to align the major chakras of the body with the energies of the ethereal plane. Coral is Creator talisman energy stone.


Horn Coral may help balance the emotions, absorb negativity and relieve depression. A soothing and protective stone, you can use Horn Coral to tap into ancient knowledge when learning a new spiritual tradition. Physically, Horn Coral, like all corals, may alleviate weakness in the bones from osteoporosis and brittle bone disease. It can also help with carpal tunnel syndrome, hearing disorders and the care of the musculoskeletal system.



Lifts depression, creates peaceful feelings. Unites the conscious and subconscious. Rhodochrosite helps you rediscover the sacred practice of play. It stimulates creativity and expression and helps you align to the frequency of Love. Rhodochrosite provides a link to the Divine Feminine. With this stone you are able to connect with your female ascended masters, including Mother Mary, Kuan Yin, Isis and Mary Magdalene, to acquire the the qualities of the feminine consciousness. Use it in the southwest area of a room or home to bring the feminine energy of growth alive. Rhodochrosite helps to align you with compassion, inner peace, tolerance and love. Rhodochrosite is Creator Hunter Crystal.



The stone of love. Activates and energizes the heart chakra for the resonance of unconditional love. Brings an understanding to all relationships. Used to treat emphysema and arthritis.




Found in the Lake Baikal area of Russia, this stone has also been called blue charoite. Rhodusite is growth crystal.




Helps to facilitate astral travel. Can stimulate further development of relationships both personal and otherwise. Has a calming energy and has been used for bone development.



Rose Quartz

Gently energizes and creates warmth. Helps to discover love in ourselves and others. Lifts depression, creates confidence and peace. Helps the heart and circulatory system. Heightens personal expression. Rose Quartz can stimulate the crown chakra, third eye and throat chakra, bringing them into harmony and unity with the heart. As a talisman of love, rose quartz can spread compassion and gentle understanding throughout the world. Rose Quartz is a Hunter Changer Crystal.



Strawberry Rose Quartz Crystal. Like all types of Rose Quartz Crystal they have a strong love energy. The major difference is that these deep pink strawberry colored stones embody an even stronger depth of love energy to help you to love yourself. Strawberry Quartz will help you to discover new aspects within your personal relationships as you begin to look at life differently.




Ruby Gemstone inspire devotion, passion, positive action. It will help you in achieving and maintaining abundance and prosperity. It will support you in situations where you need to demonstrate your integrity, power and leadership. Ruby is a Hunter Changer Crystal. Hunter Changers are talismans used when you desire to transform your life to more desirable state. Ruby has Fire Energy.


Ruby Zoisite.

Zoisite with Ruby is a stone that supports growth and development on both mental and physical planes. This combination encourages content match with your life. Stimulating both the Root and the Heart Chakras, Ruby Zoisite encourages you to live with exuberance, cherishing and appreciating the life. Ruby Zoisite is a natural occurring combination of red ruby and green zoisite and black inclusions. Transforms negative energy into positive.



Ruby kyanite is a naturally occurring combination of red ruby and blue kyanite. It was found in South India. Ruby kyanite is predominantly kyanite containing red spots of ruby. Kyanite is self cleansing so you will never need to recharge this stone. Kyanite is a Throat Chakra and Third Eye gemstone. It also aligns and opens all of the Chakras. If you consciously direct this stone, you can also align and all of the bodies. Ruby kyanite is a balancing stone.



Ruby Fuchsite is a natural composite of red ruby and green fuchsite. Ruby is a variety of corundum while fuchsite is a chrome mica. Ruby fuchsite is found in South India. The combination of Ruby and Fuchsite helps to open and enhance psychic awareness. Working with Ruby Fuchsite on the Third Eye can awaken psychic abilities by opening the Heart Chakra to receive information from the Third Eye Chakra.



Rutilated Quartz

The Rutile crystals bring this specimen the energy and power of an Enchanter Changer. This combination produces a talisman that has the ability to aid you in finding new states of existence and attracting the help of others to your quest. This crystal contains golden needles of Rutile. The golden rays of the Rutile make talisman for changing your spiritual well being and your happiness. This stone is also known as Cupid’s Darts, Fleches D’Amour, and Venus hair stone. Rutilated Quartz is associated with the Earth, and is used in the center of a room or home. Rutilated Quartz is a Hunter Changer Crystal.


Rutile helps you feel more directed and purposeful. It can help you to overcome procrastination or reluctance and joyfully undertake new paths and projects. It creates a lightning effect in the emotional body, lessening the pressures and concerns of daily life. Rutile stabilises relationships of all kinds by creating emotional fidelity. Rutile grounding higher chakra connections. Rutile enhance psychic abilities. Rutile can effectively offer you a constant and expanded access to higher guidance without having to enter a meditative state. Rutile is Enchanter talisman.


Tourmalinated Quartz

A combination of black tourmaline in clear quartz. Brings the forces of Light and darkness into harmony. Tourmaline is a Hunter Vitaliser Crystal. Black Tourmaline has Water energy.

Mineral energy meaning


Lapis Lazuli.

Calcite, Lazurite and Pyrite.

Stone of truth. On a spiritual level, this stone enhance dream work, stimulate enlightenment, spiritual journeying, block psychic attack, promote peace and serenity. Lapis is a Increaser Shield Crystal. Lapis brings Water Energy.


Lazurite grants wisdom and honesty and reveals your own inner truth, It helps you to be who you are. Lazurite will liberate you from compromises. With lazurite you are the ruler of your spiritual world. It is considered for stone of friendship. Used in meditation Lazurite can help balance the physical and spiritual aspects of your life so that both can work together harmoniously for your higher good.




Stone for Earth healing. It represents peace and clarity, emitting love energy. Awakens inner wisdom. Larimar is a Hunter Accord crystal. Larimar has Water energy.




Lepidocrocite in Quartz

An empowerment stone for manifesting. Encourages visions and takes you into a world beyond space and time where your dreams can manifest. Aligns your visions with the Highest Good. Encourages peace and a sense that “everything is in order”. Refine. Eases disorders based in false self image.


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The stone of transition. Assists in restructuring and reorganizing of old patterns. Gently induces change. Aids in relieving stress.



Linarite resonates strongly within the throat chakra. Aid development of telepathy. It is highly stimulating within the third eye chakra. It vibrates within the heart and thymus chakras.

Linarite communication comes from the heart. Linarite is Stabilizer and Keeper Talisman. Linarite is not azurite.




Strong stone to protect you from psychic attack. This stone boost telepathic abilities. Limonite grounding and directing you toward stability, comfort and manifestation. Limonite is Remedy Crystal.



Mabe Pearl

A cross between Pearl and Mother of Pearl. Provides emotional stability and calm strength. Brings faith, charity and innocence. Enhances personal integrity. Helps to improve your attention and provides a clear connection for receipt of spiritual guidance. Teaches you how to create beauty.




Strong talisman crystal. Wear to magnify and enhance positive energy flows. Useful for relaxation. Strongly in tune with nature and healing. Increases the ability to love. Heightens your capacity to express feelings in a positive way. Stone of transformation and protection. It is useful for clearing and activating all of the Chakras but especially for the Heart Chakra and Throat Chakra. Malachite allows you to release negative experiences. Malachite is a Keeper Creator Crystal. Malachite has wood energy.



Manifestation Quartz

Helping you to better visualize the complete picture. Keep you focussed in this picture till become manifested.




Marcasite is useful in self improvement and to know yourself.  We need to learn about ourselves before we can make meaningful change. It is chemically identical to Pyrite but it is lighter in colour. Marcasite is Reflector Remedy Crystal. Always wash hands after handling. Avoid inhaling dust when handling or breaking. Never lick or ingest.


Maw Sit Sit Jade

A rare and highly prized form of Jade. Brings fruitful living, excellent health and abundance. Helps to heal traumas and issues of the past. Stimulates positive attitude and intention.


Merlin Mist

Merlin Mist is for gazing through the mist to see the truth. Clears obstructions, brings visions and insight.



A grounding stone which also vibrates to extra terrestrial realms. Aiding in grounding those realms. Helps one to connect with and balance the bodies.



Mexican Fire Opal

Revitalizer. Awakens our vital energy. Helps in releasing blocks that impair creativity and positive expression of our Life Force Energy. Assists one in finding the path of their most rewarding expression. Opens the doors of understanding so lifes lessons come with ease.




Moldavite is among the most powerful stones, with an extremely high vibration. Helps open and clear blocks in any of the chakras. An excellent meditation stone, used at the heart, third eye, and crown chakras.




Can assist in times of change, on the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual levels. Assist the flow of intuition for better understanding. Moonstone is helpful stones to guide you through tough times. Moonstone helps you to look inward. Moonstone is a powerful Armor Shield. Moonstone has Metal energy.



Blue moonstone.

Clear uncertainty in the relationships. Stone for travellers.


Cat’s Eye Moonstone promotes clarity of the mind and inner vision. It helps you remain focused while in a meditative or altered state of awareness. Cat’s Eye Moonstone assists in seeing and understanding the emotional lessons.




Grey moonstone

Accents on the psychic abilities of vision and clairvoyance. It creates new realities and understanding. This stone facilitates visualisation, meditation and shamanic journeys.



Peach Moonstone.

Bring you gentle energy to supports the heart and stimulates the mind. It help you to see existence of the Divine in all situations. Peach Moonstone assisting in celebrating the positive aqurance in your life. Peach Moonstone carries a soothing energy for the emotional body.


Rainbow moonstone

Strong but gentle supportive and healing stone. Rainbow moonstone combines the lunar energies with the rainbow energies to encourage those who feel lost, alone or vulnerable.



White Moonstone.

Cary the power of the full moon. Stimulates all aspects of psychic perception. White Moonstone can enhance vision and dream work. White Moonstone magnify your emotions. Used to activate the kundalini energy and opens the inner eye also for emotional balance.




A strengthening stone, helpful for those who suffer fatigue or have experienced prolonged illness. Also helpful for those who may need an energy supplement in physical endeavors. Strengthens and empowers the immune system, excellent for repelling negative influences that can manifest as physical ailments. Assists in easing one in times of change.


Native Copper

Native Copper brings benefits to the user. It can intensify both sun and lunar energy. For best results, copper should be charged in the moon and sunlight. Stimulates initiative, optimism, diplomacy and independence. Copper grounds any incoming spiritual energy into the Hara for storage and distribution. Copper is an Increaser Refine Crystal. Copper provides Wood Energy.



It attracts abundance, fertility and prosperity. It amplify the energy of the wearer and of other crystals. Gold eliminated low physical vitality and depressive tendencies. Gold is better to be combined with other minerals to focus and amplify its healing properties. Gold stimulate the emotional body assisting you in overcoming emotional crunch. It can help you move through difficult circumstances. It brings joy, excitement and optimism. It awakens strength and determination. Gold carries the energy of the Sun. Gold stimulating your will to grow. Gold is Refine Crystal.



White Gold

Combines the sun and moon's energy and amplifi both. White gold is a regenerator, helping you renew yourself. Beneficial for nervous system. White Gold control body chemical balance. It works well with all crystals and can be used in conjunction with copper and silver. Gold is Refine Crystal.



Native Silver

Brings the advantage into life. Assists in patience, helps diminish fear and increases perception. Assists in eliminating toxins. Silver encourages verbal and psychic communication. Clear blockages and help energy flow between the chakras. Stimulate efficient blood circulation and detoxifying the blood. It aids in exploring the deep inner realms of emotion and intuition. Silver is Refine Crystal. Silver has Metal energy.



Platinum activates the higher chakras and stimulates communication with the higher realms. Platinum assists in out of body travel and it creates a powerful protective shield around you.

Platinum is Refine Crystal.




A high vibration mineral that assists in purification on all levels. Helps us to achieve our best and be our best.



Nebula Stone

Nebula Stone helps purify and strengthen the emotional body. Nebula Stone grounding you by spiritual opening process. Nebula stone makes you consider yourself mentally, physically and spiritually attuned to the higher vibrations of consciousness.



Neon Quartz

Brings you sense of gladness and joy. Encourages freedom. Excellent for reducing stress. Opens the heart chakra and opens you to life. Improves inner vision to may and see the magic and mystery around us. Discovers enthusiastic living.



Amplifies your traits and awakens psychic abilities. Bring hope in the future and faith in yourself. Boosts Precognition. These stones help you to change how you think and may assist with making decisions. They are beneficial in decision making, to boost creativity and for balancing the chakras. Opal is healing stone. They awake the kundalini and are highly protective. Opal  helping to release fear. Opal is Changer Crystal. They are Water energy crystals. It is called a Crystal of Joy.



Ethiopian Opal helping balance your Chakras and Aura. This stone will support you in transforming all of your negative traits and will make you stronger  and more loving. It will boost your self worth. Ethiopian Opal will show you how you can love yourself better. Opal is Changer Crystal.



Fire Opal. This is an Increaser of personal power, awakening the inner fire. Fire Opal will protect you against danger. It is a symbol of hope. Fire Opal is energy amplifier, promoting change. Very supportive through emotional dramas. Fire Opal is a wonderful stone for letting go the past.



Blue Opal.

Stone for all wishes and for entering the world of the fairies. Blue Opal help you to see beyond the immediate physical reality to the wonders within nature and life.



Blue Green (Chrysopal). This opal will open you to new emotions. It will help you to observe the world with new eyes. Chrysopal cures emotional blocks.



Green Opal. Green Opal promotes emotional recovery and aides relationships. Beneficial for cleansing and rejuvenating. Green Opal bring spiritual awareness.



Pink Opal.

Pink Opal encourages sense of self assurance. Pink Opal opal actives clairvoyance and clairsentience. Pink Opal is helpful in healing headaches caused by third eye chakra.



Black Opal.

Enhance sexual attractiveness. Black Opal will escort you to a higher spiritual experience. Black Opal is one of the strongest good luck stones. Black Opal transform the fears into optimism.



Blue Peruvian Opal.

This stone has soft relaxing energies. Blue Peruvian Opal remove the tension from your communications to help ideas to flow freely. Blue Peruvian Opal helping you to release the trauma of old wounds. Blue Peruvian Opal It is good for quieting the mind.


Pink Peruvian Opal.

Pink Peruvian Opal is stimulating for your spirit and elevates the mood. Pink Peruvian Opal attunes you to the natural energy of love. Pink Peruvian Opal is balancing stone - help you to see the both sides of situation.



Boulder opal

Stone to make dreams come true. Stone to achieve your dreams. Stone who charge you with positive energy, love and happy relationship. Protective crystal against danger, clear and strengthen the aura. Boulder Opal calms and centres confused mind. Boulder Opal provides clarity and purity of thought and helps spiritual evolution and ascension. Boulder Opal will reveal your inner truth aspirations, ambitions and desires. Feng Shui Fire energy talisman but enhance all of the elements.


Opalized Chrysocolla

Relieves nervous tension due to fear or guilt. Helps to get in touch with your feelings - female energies. Promotes maturity and emotional balance. Used for menstrual disorders, pregnancy and birth. The mother Earth stone.




Signifies faith, charity, and innocence. Enhances personal integrity. Helps to improve your attention and provides a clear, clean connection for receipt of spiritual guidance.



Helps the understanding of changes in your life. It is protective shield around the body. A warm and friendly stone. The vibration of these stones resonates with the frequency of increase

Manifestation  gemstone for of all desired things. Useful stone to wear for protection against psychic attack. They vibrate strongly within both the solar plexus or power chakra and the heart chakra. Peridot is a Remedy Hardener Crystal. Peridot has Wood Energy.



Peacock Ore is a common name for a mineral that is a mix of chalcopyrite and bornite both of which are copper iron sulphide minerals. Peacock Ore encourages prosperity and abundance without and within. It draws necessities and comforts to you. It also fosters a feeling of having everything you need and want. This stone promotes and awareness of inner abundance and the knowledge that abundance comes only from within. Peacock Ore is a stone of the intellect. Peacock Ore is a Increaser Reflector Crystal. Peacock Ore brings us Water Energy. Dark Blue Peacock Ore is for enhancing respect and compassion in ourselves.



Phantom Quartz

Activates a connection with the Earth. Facilitates memories of past lives. Black phantoms assist with further grounding. Phantom Quartz crystals may also be called ghost crystals or shadow crystals, as they have a ghost like form embodied within the crystals. This formation is caused when at some time during their growth they stopped growing and a layer of another mineral was laid on the crystal. When they resumed growing, and this may have been hundreds or thousands of years later, they grew around the mineral that was present and this caused an obvious shape inside the crystal. Quartz is a Hunter Changer.





Opens and cleanses the core which connects the chakras, bringing in the Divine Light. Strengthens our union with the God Creator or Devine. Encourages understanding of your true nature.


Pietersite. Blue Tempest Stone

Stimulates the third eye for clairvoyance and precognitive thoughts. Aligns the energy centers and provides grounding to the etheric body. Stimulates and properly regulates the endocrine system.



A great stone to contact angels and other beings in the higher realms. It embodies affection for humankind. Protects you from environmental hazards. Pollucite aid detoxification of the physical and the etheric body. Pollucite boost your energy, increase endurance and helps you to keep going. Warning: Very strong energy vibration!


Pyrolusite has the ability to stabilise your relationship and enhance communication whether it is between partners, children or co workers. It will assist you in removing negative emotions and expectations and bring in positive feelings and love for yourself and others into your life. It will encourage to you remove mental and emotional manipulation from manipulative spirits and helps you ask your spirit guides for help and support.



Can be used to enhance protective fields. Helps in dreaming and remembering. Brings the aid of the divine to inspire. Green Prehnite helps you to connect to beings on the higher spiritual planes, and enhances spiritual growth. This stone has an energy that helps you to be prepared. It enhances precognition or prior knowledge of an event, and the gift of prophecy. With prehnite, you

H-L Healing energy explain


Hawks Eye or Blue Tiger eye.

Focuses the mind. Helps one to see and understand different perspectives. Gets you in touch with your connection to the Earth. Bring peacefulness and warmth, calms emotions.



Healerite resonates strongly with the heart, solar plexus and third eye chakras, assisting in opening and aligning these chakras. Through the linking of these chakras, Healerite stimulates the harmonious accord of awareness, love and will. It is balancing and energising crystal for physical health. Healerite calm frayed nerves and balance the emotions. Healerite increase inner vitality and energy. Healerite is Joiner Keeper energy Talisman.



Iron based and very grounding. Helps to avoid spaciness. Good for kidneys. Aids intuition. Used as a protective shield. Relieves feelings of hostility and anger. Bring Luck and a charming manner. Encourages you to live in a joyous and creative way. Assists you in self transformation and personal evolution. Hematite is a calming stone for the mind and a stone for success in legal disputes. It is a memory Increaser and an aid to clarity of thought and control of stress. He will heighten self confidence, will power and self esteem. Hematite is a Hunter Changer Crystal. Hematite has Water energy.


Herkimer Diamonds

This quartz bring the energy of delicate harmony and awareness of yourself. They act as powerful amplifiers when you are using them with a small stone. When you use them during meditation, Herkimer Diamonds are powerful stones to open the higher chakras. Herkimer Diamond is called the stone of harmony. Herkimer Diamonds are Hunter Changer Crystals. Herkimer Diamonds are the most powerful of all quartz crystals. Herkimer Diamonds are Hunter Changer Crystals.




Dianite is ideal for people who feel hurried, anxious, stressed or simply overwhelmed. It is an uplifting stone and can help you to remain cool and calm, especially in stressful situations. This stone will relieve anger and frustration. It helps you see a situation from another person's perspective. Dianite will help in treating cases of hyperactivity. Dianite is stone for those who wish to become mediums. Dianite is Keeper Accord energy Talisman.



Relieves the effects of harsh criticism, and promotes the clearing of judgments. Provides a healthy, empowering outlook.



Cordierite or Iolite. Water sapphire – the King Arthur stone.

Iolite is Third Eye and Throat Chakras activation crystal. The Truth crystal. Right stone to opens, intensifies and expands your psychic abilities in a delicate way. It will teach you the status quo of your psychic abilities and possibilities. Helpful to find hidden patterns and repetitive events that cause emotional disturbances. This stone releases disagreement within relationships. Iolite will encourage to connect with others in healthy relationships. Iolite encourages you to do not depend on others for validation of where you are going in life. Vitaliser and Remedy energy Talisman.



Improves your remembering of dreams and assists in “dream solving”. Bring long and fruitful life with a gentle transition from this body to the spiritual world. Jade is known as a dream stone and as a stone of fidelity, bringing realization to your potential and devotion to your purpose. Jade is very lucky stone, facilitates peace and harmony between the mental, physical, emotional and spiritual aspects of your life. Jade is beneficial after plastic surgery or reconstructive surgery. Jade is a Keeper Accord Crystal.



Blue Jade calms the mind, encouraging peace and reflection. Blue Jade will promote dreams and visions and will enhance your meditative experience. It will help you come to decisions that will be based on your own learning and spiritual knowledge. Jade is a Keeper Accord Crystal. Blue Jade has Water energy. Blue Jade helps ground and clear excessive Fire energy.



Red Jade is a stone of life force energy, dispelling fear that holds one back and urges to action. Red Jade is recognized as the chi stone, which carries the energies of the warrior. It’s an excellent talisman of will and power, eliminating fear, doubt and worry. Jade is a Keeper Accord talisman. It’s a stone that will get rid of anything that’s holding you back and keeping you from achieving what you desire. It will inspire you to move and take action. Red Jade stimulates the Base and Earthstar Chakras, combining the energy of the Earth element with aspects of the Fire element.


Orange Jade brings joy and teaches the interconnectedness of all beings. It is energetic and quietly stimulating. Promotes acceptance and unconditional love. Orange Jade brings joy and teaches you the interconnectedness of all beings. This stone opens your heart to all beings including yourself. It promotes compassion for yourself and others. Heals the heart and emotions of grief, heartache and disappointment. Jade is a Keeper Accord talisman.



White Jade shields distractions. White Jade pulls in relevant and constructive information and aids decision making. White Jade is a kind of Nephrite. Jade that is usually white, off white, or cream in color. White Jade also has the ability to increase or enhance the energy of love in your life. It will make challenges seem easier, and it will make your mind calmer.



Brown Jade is grounding. It connects to the earth and provides comfort and reliability. Jade is a Keeper Accord talisman.



Yellow Jade is cheerful and energetic. Yellow Jade has spiritual symbolism. It will promote emotional stability and it will bring balance and harmony to loving relationships. Yellow Jade is a very gentle stone that can also be used to have a deeper sense of understanding or empathy. Jade is a Keeper Accord talisman.



Purple Jade. Stone of happiness. Purifying the aura and dispelling any negative feelings or attitudes, it enables for the spontaneous joy of life to fill the soul and plunge over to others. Jade is a Keeper Accord talisman. Purple Jade utilizes Fire energy. 



Black Jade. Great stone of protection. Its strong energy shields the physical body and guards against negative forces or entities, energy vampires and people projecting anger and aggression. Jade is a Keeper Accord talisman. Black Jade has Water energy. Energy of stillness and strength.



Blue Jade. It calms and restores. It is spiritual crystal. It ranges in color from pale to mid blue, sometimes a pale blue green. Used to restore equilibrium. Jade is a Keeper Accord talisman. Talisman of peace and serenity. Blue Jade has Water energy.



Green Jade. Very supportive in love, increases trustworthiness and fidelity. Known as crystal of love. Green Jade balances and harmonizes the Heart Chakra, aiding in emotional and physical wellbeing. Jade is a Keeper Accord talisman.



Olive Jade. Very strong combination of the growth green rays with the sunshine yellow rays. Stone of development, strength and maturity. It enhances your receptiveness to new meanings and ideas. It is a talisman of the search for knowledge and enlightenment. Olive Jade provides understanding of natural universe. Jade is a Keeper Accord talisman. Olive Jade lights the path to wisdom and understanding. Jade utilizes Wood energy, the energy of growth, expansion and new beginnings. It brings vitality and develop abundance.



Lavender Jade. It emits pure energy of the highest etheric spectrum and draws angelic beings to its light. It provides spiritual nourishment. Its lavender hue attunes to the Goddess of Compassion. Lavender Jade helps alleviate emotional hurt and sadness from past traumas. The stone of the angels. Lavender Jade is crystal of the free heart. Jade is a Keeper Accord talisman.




Gently protective and can be used to dispel formidable thoughts. Stimulates the Kundalini at the base Chakra and facilitates the movement to the crown. Calming and grounding stone.  Good for migraine, headaches. Jet is Refine Talisman.



Stimulates the heart chakra while providing a powerful peace. Can be used to remove obstacles from your path and dissolves negativity. Acts as a shield. Good for heart and lungs. Kunzite is a protective stone, dispelling negativity and raising a shield around the aura against unwanted entities and outside influences. It provides a centering influence in all situations, allowing you to remain calm and focused. Kunzite is a reminder that love is the answer to all. Kunzite has Fire energy. Kunzite is a Keeper Accord crystal.



Spodumene aka Triphane

Use Triphane as a cleansing crystal for the home to refresh its energies. Clear and white Spodumene promotes honesty and integrity, clears away secrecy and uncertainty In the office. Triphane is a Keeper Accord crystal. Spodumene has Fire energy. Gray or white Spodumene crystals has Metal energy.



Hiddenite (Green Kunzite)

Stimulates the heart chakra and provide powerful peace. Use to remove obstacles from your path and dissolve negativity. Acts as a shield. Hiddenite enhances balance between your mind and your emotions. Hiddenite helps you determine if you are in the right place doing the right job. Hiddenite reveals choices of the heart. Hiddenite is a Keeper Accord crystal. Green Hiddenite has Wood energy


Общо (1630)


Amulet of protection, Kyanite is a Armor Hardener amulet. Armor crystals have abilities to help you focus and amplify your efforts to keep undesirable elements out of your live. Any color of Kyanite benefit the healing of the body and aid the development of spiritual and psychic gifts. Kyanite very fast align the chakras. Hardener crystals provide you with the energy to resist temptations and resist distractions from your target. Kyanite brings you Water Energy. Activates and aligns all major Chakras with little effort.



Blue kyanite is associated with the throat chakra and is a boost to meditation. It is sometimes called Sappore, Blue Talc, or the “Tripping” stone. Kyanite crystals make use of water energy. Power of stillness, clarity and strength. Kyanite is a Armor Hardener talisman.



Green Kyanite. Be careful! High vibration can jiggle you if you are ready for it. Green Kyanite cleans the physical body of unwanted attachments. Green Kyanite bring Wood energy. Green Kyanite carry energy of growth, expansion and new beginnings. Green Kyanite enhances vitality and brings abundance. Kyanite is a Armor Hardener talisman.



Orange Kyanite.

Strongl Navel Chakra Crystal. Orange Kyanite inspires a sense of childlike joy in all of us. It guides you in facing challenges like those related to addictions. Orange Kyanite eases depression. Orange Kyanite vibration create a sense of optimism and positive thinking. Kyanite is a Armor Hardener talisman.



Black Kyanite

Full of healing energy. Black Kyanite can be placed on any chakra to send healing energy to any tears or holes in the chakras and the aura. Black Kyanite can also help to open the lines of communication between people and keeping a piece with you can help out in situations of conflict or misunderstanding. Kyanite is one of the very few crystals that self cleanses. Kyanite is a Armor Hardener talisman. Black Kyanite works with all Chakras, focusing most on the Root Chakra.



Connects the intuitional with the intellectual. Protects and helps to keep your aura clear. Attracts strength and provide vitality. Helps with originality. Provides clarity to the inner self and enhances patience. Labradorite is a Armor Shield crystal. Labradorite brings Water Energy.


Golden Yellow Labradorite. Manage Personal Power. Balance Masculine Feminine Energy. It is more powerful when combined with Rainbow Moonstone, the premier stone of the feminine vibration. Golden Yellow Labradorite gives you character to connect to the Great Central Sun. Great Central Sun own qualities of assertiveness, self confidence and physical vitality.

A-Z stone energy explained / D



Amazing vehicles for enlightenment and spiritual growth. Powerful intellectual activator. Useful to help let your Light shine. Danburite is the best substitution for a diamond. Danburite is one of the highest vibration minerals currently found. Danburite has Fire Energy. Danburite is a Armor Remedy Crystal.



Golden Danburite

Promotes a sunny disposition and positive thinking. Helps you to embody angelic wisdom and all the gifts that flow from alignment. Agni Gold Danburite, a high vibration crystal of thought and clarity. Danburite is a Armor Remedy Crystal.



Helps you to live in this moment. Assists not only to empower and heal yourself but our planet. To relieve oppressive feelings and situations, and to realize our own richness and to utilize them. Amplifies the heart center through love energy. This stone guides you to your next step in life. Dioptase is a Hunter Vitaliser Crystal. Dioptase brings Wood Energy.



Drusy Amethyst

Purifies and amplifies the healing and spiritual energies. Balances emotional highs and lows. Strengthens the blood, circulatory and immune systems. Transforms blocked energies. Helps protect from overindulgences.



Epidote will help to balance and stabilise the energy flow in the body. Epidote is healing and protective and will boost your immune and nervous system. This stone has strong healing qualities, and it may help you to be aware when you need to take rest or when to take better care with your diet. Epidote encourages recovery and regeneration after illness or exhaustion caused by over work, stress and disturbing experiences. Epidote will heal you emotionally and cleanse suppressed emotions. Epidote is an excellent stone for blending with nature and her healing qualities.

Epidote (in Quartz)  - Няма дълго 




Opens and activates the heart chakra, assisting in the manifestation of unconditional spiritual love on this plane. Brings insight and confidence. Helpful in the treatment of the eyes.




Diminishes stress. Cleanses and focuses the body. Gives relief from arthritis. Grounds excess energies and aids in spiritual awakening. Arouses sexual energy. Fluorite is used in honoring the Goddess. Fluorite is a Increaser Lightener Crystal. Fluorite utilizes Fire Energy, the energy of enthusiasm and warmth, brightness and activity.



Purple fluorite is also used for weight loss as it can help eliminate bad food habits. Purple fluorite enhance learning by helping integrate information with experience to bring a fuller understanding. Fluorite is a Increaser Lightener Crystal.


Yellow fluorite is a stone of the mind. Sunny stone that brings a positive attitude and bring your actions. Yellow fluorite is used for eating and stomach disorders, liver problems and detoxification. Fluorite is a Increaser Lightener Crystal.



Black fluorite. Great astral cleaner.  Black fluorite is used to clear negative energy from the aura and astral areas. Black Fluorite is used to eliminate nightmares.



Blue fluorite has the quality of protecting the emotions and restoring emotional balance. It is a stone of justice. Used to cleanse the your surrounding energy and to restart your spiritual progress. Fluorite has Water energy. Fluorite is a Increaser Lightener Crystal. 



Clear fluorite is a stone of purification and order. Is used for emotional stability. Clear fluorite eliminating negative feelings.



Green fluorite is a stone that promotes healing on all levels. It promotes self love and remove blockages and narrow mindedness. Green fluorite is all purpose crystal bringing in new ideas and creativity. Green Fluorite has Wood Energy. Fluorite is a Increaser Lightener Crystal.



Magenta fluorite is a stone of the heart and inner truth. It can bring about emotional understanding and forgiveness to engender a more positive outlook on life and spirituality. Magenta fluorite bridge heart and crown chakras. Used to discern the best choices for the highest good of all concerned.



Multicolor or rainbow fluorite brings a combination of energies to enhance flexibility, free thinking, and emotional brightness.



Pink fluorite 

Good will stone. Clear all chakras with accent to the heart chakra. Pink fluorite bring positive energy, joy and cheer.



Radioactive fluorite aka stink spar, fetid fluorite or antozonite exists but is unhealthy to use due to its radioactive nature. Its name comes from the smell when it is cracked, and it releases ozone and hydrogen fluoride.


Fluorite with Pyrite

A powerful healing stone. Calms and protects. Encourages order within the mental, physical, emotional and spiritual systems. Grounds Light through the body. 




Diminishes stress. Enhances knowledge. It assists in balancing the red and white blood cell count.



Fuchsite with Kyanite

Diminishes stress. Enhances knowledge. It assists in balancing the red and white blood cell count.



Balances the physical and ethereal bodies. Garnet is a powerful energising and regenerating stone. It cleans and energises all the chakras. Garnet lessens emotional disharmony. It revitalises, purifies and balances energy bringing serenity and passion. Garnet inspires love and devotion. This is a stone of commitment to a person or idea. Garnet is a useful crystal to have in a crisis. Garnet activates other healing crystals and amplifies their effect. It clears negative chakra energy. The successful business stone. Increase libido and fertility in both sexes. Garnets are Increaser Hardener crystals.



Melanite garnet is a variety of andradite garnet that is black or dark brown in colour. This stone strengthens resistance and promotes honesty. Melanite garnet releases blockages from the heart and throat chakra enabling you to speak the truth. It overcomes a lack or love in any situation and dispels anger, envy, jealousy, distrust. Garnets are Increaser Hardener crystals.



Grossular garnet

It inspires service and cooperation. Grossular garnet helps repair and clear the mucus membranes and skin. ​Grossular garnet increase abundance. Grossular garnet assist spiritual connection with the Divine. Grossular garnet help you to receive energy from the Divine on all levels of your existence. Garnets are Increaser Hardener crystals. 



Hessonite garnet is a variety of grossular garnet, and is a golden orange to brown in colour this crystal is also called cinnamon stone. This stone helps you by giving you self respect, eliminates feelings of guilt and inferiority. Hessonite garnet supports those who are seeking a new challenge in life. It opens the intuition and psychic abilities. Garnets are Increaser Hardener crystals. 



Pyrope garnet gives vitality, charisma and promotes and excellent quality of life upon you. It unites the creative forces. Pyrope garnet protects the crown and base chakras from attack. It also aligns these chakras and grounds the crown chakra with the base chakra giving you wisdom to move forward. Garnets are Increaser Hardener crystals. Red garnet promotes base chakra opening, it warms and grounds you while directing Kundalini energy into the base chakra.



Rhodolite garnet is a variety of pyrope garnet and is rose red in colour. This stone is a warm, trusting and sincere stone. Rhodolite garnet stimulates contemplation, intuition and inspiration. Rhodolite garnet protects the base chakra and enhances healthy sexuality and overcoming frigidity. It stimulates the metabolism and treats heart, lungs and hips. Rhodolite garnet helps the heart to open to love in all forms. Garnets are Increaser Hardener crystals. It encourages feelings of self worth and compassion for yourself and others.


Spessartine garnet resonates with the creative energies of the universe. It encourages you during meditation to bring forth your dreams and visions into reality. This is an optimistic stone that encourages you to be more confident, daring and courageous. Wear this stone if you are suffering from blocks in your creative process. Spessartine garnet will help you in the analytical process and increase rationality. It is an antidepressant and it will suppress nightmares. Spessartine garnet will relieve any sexual problems. It treats calcium imbalance. Spessartine garnet stimulates the body and can help with weight loss. It is an excellent stone for activating and balancing the endocrine system.



Uvarovite garnet promotes individuality and without egocentricity. It stimulates the heart chakra and enhances spiritual relationships. Uvarovite garnet links the soul into the universe. Uvarovite garnet is a calm and peaceful stone that is helpful in experiencing solitude without being lonely. It detoxifies, reduces inflammation and lowers fever.



Andradite Garnet

Assists in matters of the heart. Teaches compassion and empathy for others. Encourages emotional stability in times of transition. Extracts negative energy from the chakras. Andradite will arouse your creativity and increase your focus. It removes feelings of isolation and alienation and attracts encounters with others. Andradite garnet supports the male qualities of courage, stamina and strength. It realigns the magnetic field of the body. Grossular Garnet is a Hunter Changer Crystal. Grossular garnets has Wood energy.




This stone will help you release your unhealthy attachments to your possessions. Gaspeite will help you declutter your life and your mind. Gaspeite will encourage you to love yourself just as you are today and continue the feelings into the future. To love others you need to love yourself first and this stone helps you achieve that. It facilitates self healing by helping you to release old hurts and bad habits. Gaspeite assists you in feeling safe and secure, while encouraging you to let go of the past and of experiences that no longer serve. It can assist you in receiving more love and in feeling more joyful and abundant on all levels.




This is a strong stabilizing stone that works via the root and earth star chakra. It will bring you down from the heights and ground you into the vibration of this earth. This is one of the grounding stones, that will help you to use this earth energy to heal yourself. Its energy assists the body in mending after physical trauma. Goethite is Remedy Crystal. The Remedy are also known as the Restorers.




Gaia stone encourages balanced judgment and is very helpful for teenagers and anyone with troubled emotions. It is used for healing relationships and promoting fidelity in long term relationships. Gaia Stone banishes nightmares and aids restful sleep. Gaia stone is a shielding stone. This stone assists in assimilating new ideas and unfamiliar subjects or course work. It eases feelings of restriction caused by outside influences. It allows you to ‘go with the flow’ by releasing the fear of the unknown. This helps change to happen.


Galena is a harmony and transformation stone that is used to enhance the power of other crystals. Galena will help you maintain a strong connection with your significant other even if you are not physically together. It bring healing, calmness, communication and insight to the user. Galena can assist with detoxification and reduce inflammation. Place Galena on display in a room to promote peace and harmony. Galena is an Increaser Lightener Crystal. Galena has Metal energy.

It is not recommended to be used for elixirs, keep away from small children and animals.



Gem Silica, Chrysocolla

Relieves nervous tension due to fear or guilt. Helps to get in touch with your feelings. Promotes maturity and emotional balance. Used for menstrual disorders, pregnancy and birth. The mother Earth stone. Chrysocolla is the Women stone'. Chrysocolla is best Stone of Communication. Chrysocolla is a Remedy Vitaliser crystal. Green Chrysocolla crystals brings Wood energy and is associated with the East, Family and Community. When mostly Blue, Chrysocolla brings Water Energy.



Gold in Quartz

Helps create balance. Energizing and healing. Helps each of us to find our own inner light. Symbolizes the spiritual aspect of “all that is”.



Green Tourmaline

Connects the third eye and heart, to teach “seeing with the heart”. Has a masculine energy with compassion, transforms negative energy to positive. Gives us a connection to the plant kingdom. Inspires creativity, attracts success, prosperity and abundance. Good for weight loss. Green Tourmaline, also known as Verdelite, is one of the best healing crystal of the physical heart, channeling its electrical energies into the center of your being and creating a flow of wholesome energy to all parts of the body and self. Tourmaline is a Hunter Vitaliser Crystal. Green Tourmaline has wood elemental energy.



Blue Tourmaline is also known as Indicolite, which is a variation of Indigolite. Blue Tourmaline has Water energy. Energy of stillness and strength. This crystal works on the Throat Chakra and the Third Eye Chakra. Blue Tourmaline is a crystal of peace, and it will provide a deep kind of meditation that will bring past hurts to the surface. Blue Tourmaline is a crystal of the throat and third eye chakra. Tourmaline is a Hunter Vitaliser Crystal.



Paraiba tourmaline helps you to have compassion for yourself and others. It elevated consciousness and encourages you to be of service of others. This stone brings light to the dark places of your mind and soul. Paraiba tourmaline encourages forgiveness which will then set you free from the past and its hurts. Paraiba tourmaline breaks old self defeating programming and replaces them with new ideas and codes of conduct. It will help you move forward to your ambitions and aspirations. Tourmaline is a Hunter Vitaliser Crystal.



Pink Pink Tourmaline has Fire Energy. Energy of enthusiasm, warmth and activity. It is the energy of heat, action and emotion. Pink Tourmaline attracts love in all forms. It provides assurance that you are loveable and it is safe for you to love yourself and others. Pink tourmaline is a nurturing tool that helps you restructure your thought forms or mental energy, into positive statements. Light Pink Tourmaline aka Elbaite stimulates the Heart Chakra and the Crown Chakra, bringing you love and spirituality. This gemstone can help bring love to you, if that is your desire. It can help curb destructive tendencies. Vibration: 9 and 99 (Master Number) Astrological Sign: Libra Tourmaline is a Hunter Vitaliser Crystal.



Purple tourmaline. Siberite or Daurite is lilac, lavender, violet to purple variety of Elbaite. Purple tourmaline assists you in manifesting into the material world your dreams and visualisations. This stone is best for storyteller or bard. Purple tourmaline stimulates healing of the heart and produces loving consciousness. Tourmaline is a Hunter Vitaliser Crystal. Clears the human energy system at the etheric, emotional, mental and Light Body levels of negative breaches. It fills the Kundalini and Hara Line channels, chakras and aura bodies with Light.



Rubellite Tourmaline has Fire Energy. Energy of enthusiasm, warmth and activity. Rubellite gives you vitality. Red tourmaline encourages you to be flexible. Tourmaline is a Hunter Vitaliser Crystal.



Dravite. Brown tourmaline stimulates a pragmatic, simple creativity and gives you the necessary skills to do arts and crafts. Tourmaline is a Hunter Vitaliser Crystal. Connected with the base chakra, brown tourmaline cleanses blocked energies in the lower body and energises the aura.



Schorl. Powerful grounding crystal of Schorl, known as Black Tourmaline. Black Tourmaline is the ultimate grounding stone and the primary crystal used for the clearing of negative energy and spells. Tourmaline is a Hunter Vitaliser Crystal. Black Tourmaline can also help protect you against radiation. Vibration: 3 and 4 Astrological Sign: Capricorn. Repels and protects from negativity. Activates grounding between the first chakra and the earth. Protects against those who aren’t in the Light. In Feng Shui Black Tourmaline has Water energy. The energy of stillness, strength and purification.



Uvite. Red or brown tourmaline is beneficial for sexuality and the emotions. This crystal works on the Root, Heart, and Crown Chakras. Uvite balances the yin and the yang and the left and right sides of your brain. Tourmaline is a Hunter Vitaliser Crystal.



Watermelon tourmaline represents the heart chakra, the centre of the self. It is the place of love, compassion, kindness, tolerance and goodness. It is the bridge between the lower three chakras and the upper three chakras. Use watermelon tourmaline for self acceptance as well as for attracting romantic love. Watermelon tourmaline encourages you to be patient, loving and tender. Tourmaline is a Hunter Vitaliser Crystal.


Tourmaline enhances energy flow, making it a stone for removing blockages. Natural tourmaline is useful for healing, clear the aura and chakras, remove blockages.


Clear tourmaline aka Achroite

A--Z / C, STONE energy explanation


Increases spiritual awareness at all levels. Allows you to see the positive in all events. Assists in past life recall. Helps alleviate stressful conditions.


Cassiterite on a physical level will assist in the rebalancing and healing of the reproductive organs in both men and women. Cassiterite will help you understand that mortality isn't to be feared. This crystal has a strong spiritual grounding energy that makes a deep connection through the base chakra to the depths of the earth and Mother Gaia. This stone powerful resonance brings energy from the non physical realms to your spirit.



Cat’s Eye Quartz

An unusual, chatoyant variety of quartz which is helpful in soothing and quieting the mind and easing the nervous system. Helpful in cleansing the aura, transforming and eliminating negative energies. A helpful stone in treating eye disorder. Helps to relieve headaches.




Soothes the emotional body. Psychic protector. Provides a safe environment around you, a helpful stone to wear when engaging in energy work. Assists in the development of intuition. Delivers insight and allows you to move with ease into the unknown.




A stone for balance, clearing and perfecting the chakras. Provides access to the angelic realms. Assists in manifestation, astral travel and dream recall. An excellent healing stone. It has a strong stimulating effect on spiritual and psychic gifts. Celestite crystals aid you to contact your Keeper angels. Celestite is a Remedy Stabilizer crystal. Celestite brings us Water Energy. Always be careful when proced to use Stabilizer crystal!



Charoite, The Dream stone.

Assists in opening up to our life’s purpose. A protective transmuter of negative energies. Helps to discover our deepest fears and allowing us to heal and release them. Gives us the courage to take our highest path. The Charoite is strong talisman for efforts aimed at smoothing a path through difficulties to achieve your most cherished dreams and goals. Charoite is a Keeper Accord Crystal. Strengthen the flow of energy from the higher transpersonal chakras.



Cinnabar is stimulating to the emotional body and can assist in releasing buried resentment, anger and fear. It can help to courageously face your reality without denial or rationalisation. Cinnabar teaches us that physicality is not as solid as it appears, but is in fact a constantly shifting and flowing expression of energy that can be manipulated and transformed. It empowers you to fully embrace the spirit. Cinnabar attracts abundance. It increases your ability in selling, and helps you to prosper in your endeavours without inciting aggression. Cinnabar increases sales, cash flow in work or business. Cinnabar is Reflector Changer Crystal.


Chlorite Phantom Quartz

Activates a connection with the Earth. Facilitates memories of past lives. One of the most favorable healing stones. It is a Refine and is useful in cleansing the aura and chakras. Black phantoms assist better grounding.




Rare and deeply spiritual, Creedite is a Stone of the Light known for its high vibrational frequency and immediate access to a clear meditative state. Creedite crystals have a high crystal energy, that brings through a powerful resonance. It causes an expansion within your higher chakras, and lifts your overall vibration. Creedite is a Keeper Balancer talisman. The Keeper talismans do not reveal their inner strength. Orange and Violet Creedite utilize Fire energy. White Creedite utilizes Metal energy




Crocoite can stimulate and enhance intuition, creativity and sexuality. Crocoite is a stone of passion. Use when you need aid with your partner or would like to enhance your relationship status. It is a transition stone, assisting you in the progression from this life to another.  

From one state of change to another situation. This stone is for sexual healing. Crocoite is a Keeper Stabilizer Crystal. Crocoite has fire energy. Use it as an accent where high energy is needed. 


Chrome Chalcedony

Relieves inner tension, especially those issues that weigh heavily on the heart. Promotes soft cleansing of the liver, dissolves anger and resentment. Helps to relieve scattered thought and anxiety.



Chrome Diopside

Healer of hearts. Opens and activates the heart chakra. Chrome Diopside restore the Heart of your life. Assists in mending relationships with others and within ourselves. Cleanses traumas and restores your pure essence. Premiere Heath crystal.




Relieves nervous tensions. Relieve fear or guilt. Helps to get in touch with your feelings. The mother Earth stone. Promotes maturity and emotional balance. Used for menstrual disorders, pregnancy and birth. 


Chrysocolla in Quartz

Relieves nervous tension due to fear or guilt. Helps to get in touch with your feelings (female energies). Promotes maturity and emotional balance. Used for menstrual disorders, pregnancy and birth. The mother Earth stone.




Instills a state of grace, energizing the heart chakra, great for meditation. Provides for non judgmental attitudes. Chrysoprase is compassion creating crystal. Encourages fidelity in business and personal affairs.




Assists in acquiring and maintaining prosperity. Delivers comfort and optimism. Citrine does not hold negative energy. Smooths family and business relationships. Aids in digestion and to activate the thymus. Draws off stress and negativity from your body and brings refreshing peace. Citrine has fire energy.



Rutile included citrine increases energy and light information assimilation. It raises your intellect, psychic ability and an understanding of psychic information. Citrine crystals are Hunter Changer crystals. Citrine has fire energy.



Clear Quartz. Helps to heal the mental, physical and spiritual ailments. Contains all colors to help balance, energize and expand all elements to make us whole and fulfilled. Helps each of us to find our own inner light. Embody The White Ray. Clear White Spiritual Light. Quartz has strong amplifying qualities. Quartz is a Hunter Changer Crystal. In Feng Shui, clear quartz is used for its ability to hold and transmute light, as well as to cleanse and purify the energy.



Emotionally uplifting. Aids in creative endeavors. Helps to find and remember the God within. Can be used to treat infections. Cobaltite is a Reflector talisman Crystal

CAUTION: Contains Arsenic, a poisonous element, always wash hands after handling.

Avoid inhaling dust when handling or breaking. Never eat or ingest.




A stimulant for psychic powers. It assists with producing a positive outlook for the wearer. Allows for better communication skills.



Cuprite is a stone of strength, support, encouragement and vitality. Cuprite attract luck, good news and prosperity. Its energies will inspire you to become a strong and motivating leader. You will be making use of your charismatic personality to open doors of opportunities for you. The energies of this stone will inspire you to take initiative, be bold and take a chance. Cuprite is a grounding stone that will add more positivity and reduce the negativity in your relationship. Cuprite is Changer Talisman Crystal

A-Z mineral energy explained


Beryl helps you realise your potential. This stone opens and activates the Crown Chakra and Solar Plexus Chakra. Beryl enhances courage, relieves stress and calms the mind. Beryl encourages a positive view of the world. Beryl is a Hunter Vitaliser talisman.


Beryl Aquamarine

(from Latin: aqua marina, "water of the sea") is so named because of its seawater colour. Aquamarine primarily channels water energy. It is particularly good for its ability to give you courage. Aquamarine has calming energies that help to reduce stress and quiet the mind. This stone calms the mind, removing extraneous thought. Aquamarine is a Hunter Vitaliser Crystal.

Aquamarine brings us Water Energy.

(342) Beryl Bixbite or Red beryl is also known as "red emerald", "scarlet emerald". Bixbite opens and energises the Base Chakra. It is a creative and powerful stone that promotes courage, passion and will power without egotism. Red Beryl utilizes Fire Energy. Bixbite is a Hunter Vitaliser Crystal.



Beryl Emerald

The stone of successful love, can provide for domestic bliss. Combines intelligence with discernment allowing for right action. To seek and find love this is the stone to carry on your quest. Emerald is a Hunter Vitaliser Crystal. Emerald bring Wood Energy. Wood energy is vital to your well being It is associated with family  and community.



Beryl Goshenite is a colourless variety of beryl. Goshenite enhances your ability to see and clear old patterns and pain, it supports karmic healing, promotes visions of past life trauma so that it can be released and healed. It will ease your fear of seeing and re experiencing these traumas. Goshenite is a stone of persistence, helping you retain the focus and determination to see things through to completion.



Beryl Heliodor and Golden Beryl are the names given to the yellow variety of Beryl. This crystal promotes purity of being. It teaches initiative and independence and stimulates the will to succeed and the ability to manifest potential into reality. It opens the Crown and Solar Plexus Chakras. Heliodor is a Hunter Vitaliser Crystal. Heliodor has fire energy.



Beryl Morganite

As a pink stone it activates and cleanses the Heart Chakra. It calms a stressful life and benefits the nervous system. Morganite helps you to recognise the escape routes that you need. Morganite is a Hunter Vitaliser talisman, utilizes Fire Energy.


Bahia Blue Obsidian

Very helpful in clearing the mind. Aid the development of telepathy and to assist with divination.. Obsidian is a natural glass. It is a Hunter talisman.



Obsidian is a strongly protective stone that helps to form a shield against negative forces and provides a cord from your base chakra to the center of the earth. The obsidian stone is all about self growth. Metaphysically obsidian helps to eliminate energy blockages and release tension. Obsidian is a natural glass, it is a Hunter talisman.



Spider Web Obsidian

This is a grounding stone used to connect with the Earth and the Fire energy within. Obsidian is a natural glass. It is Hunter energy talisman. Spider Web Obsidian provides Wood Energy. Use this stone in the East area of a room or home if you want to keep Qui, the Universal Life Force flowing properly there.


Gold Sheen Obsidian

This is a grounding stone used to connect with the Earth and the Fire energy within. Use gold sheen obsidian to sharpen you mental aptitude so you can enter deeper meditative states and tap into higher forces for the good of the community. This stone will keep you safe from unwanted psychic influences, removing the hooks of negativity from your energy field. Obsidian provides Wood Energy.



Bahia Blue Obsidian

If you are a healer it will enhance your ability to communicate to your clients after healing, to ensure that you communicate the correct information. It has strong healing attributes and heals aspects of the throat chakra area, including disorders of the eyes and speech problems. Able to ease physical pain. Obsidian is a Hunter talisman.



Brings joy and wellbeing to yourself. High vibration crystal. Helps to provide clear communication. Benitoite increase in synchronistic events. Hunter energy talisman.



Black or Brown Obsidian

Used to produce honesty in your actions, and insight into the future. Induces creativity and independent thought and action. Black obsidian is a powerful and creative stone. It grounds the soul and spiritual forces into the physical plane, bringing them under the direction of the conscious will and making it possible to manifest spiritual energies on earth. Obsidian provides Wood Energy. Obsidian is a Hunter talisman.



Green Obsidian

Protects and shields against negativity. Cleanses and stimulates the heart area, creating euphoria. Green obsidian is an excellent stone for protection from people who try to drag you into their own personal crises. Obsidian provides Wood Energy. Obsidian is a Hunter talisman.



Apache Tears are a type of Black Obsidian. Powerful healing if you are feeling grief and emotional distress. They are also strong stones for spiritual grounding. Use them during or after you have been working with high vibration crystals. Apache Tears help you understand the value of the physical plane and the spiritual lessons it has to teach us. Obsidian provides Wood Energy. Obsidian is a Hunter talisman.


Mahogany Obsidian

The energies of Mahogany Obsidian will connect to your base and sacral chakras. The protective energies of this stone will also shield you from any kind of negative psychic attacks. Mahogany Obsidian is also known as the stone of strength. Mahogany Obsidian will help you sever ties with people who sap you of your energy, inspiration, and happiness. Obsidian provides Wood Energy. Obsidian is a Hunter talisman.



Rainbow Obsidian

A stone of pleasure, brings gratification and enjoyment to your life. Brings Love and Light, allowing for a perception of your spiritual side. Helps in looking into love and relationships. Rainbow obsidian is a good stone to use when you need to trigger your memory. Rainbow Obsidian is a good prosperity and abundance stone. Obsidian provides Wood Energy. Obsidian is a Hunter talisman.


Silver sheen obsidian

Silver sheen obsidian is the perfect stone for anyone with a high pressure job as it adds a calming lunar energy to minimise irritability, frustration and to increase your focus. This stone will help you to pursue a path of spiritual development. Silver sheen obsidian allows to trust your inner wisdom. Obsidian provides Wood Energy. Obsidian is a Hunter talisman.



Snowflake Obsidian

Wards off negativity and over sensitivity. Helps to let go of old loves and old ways. Stimulates the desire to travel and see new horizons. Obsidian provides Wood Energy. Obsidian is a Hunter talisman. This stone shows you that the opportunity for realisation are within yourself.


Black Diamond

Instills the aspect of trust in yourself and others. Brings confidence and fidelity. Enhances strength.



Black Jade

Improves your ability to remember dreams and assists in “dream solving”. He will bring you a long and fruitful life. Helps you to attune to the needs of others. Black Jade assist a gentle transition from this body to the spiritual world.




Black Star Diopside

An intellectual stone that enhances learning through analysis and logic. Helps you to get in touch with your feminine nature. Treats weakness in the physical body and psychological disorders. Creative energy stone. Keeper Accord energy Talisman.




Encourages caution with courage. Helps you to accept change and overcome anxiety. Assists to improve your talents and stimulates flow of energy. Renewal of love and relationships. Help recovery from separation or divorce. This crystal has a strong vibration that will repulse negativity from the auric field. Bloodstone is a Hunter Changer. Bloodstone provides Wood Energy. Bloodstone is a Hunter Changer energy talisman. 




Blue Aventurine

Blue Aventurine is a crystal of leadership and helps to earn respect. Blue Aventurine resonates with the upper chakras, from the mind to the heart and is stimulating to the Third Eye and Throat Chakras. Blue Aventurine is a Hunter Changer crystal. Blue Aventurine utilizes Water energy.



Green Aventurine

Enhances creativity, individuality and independence. Excellent protector (shield) for the heart.

Aventurine (green) The “Stone of Opportunity” thought to be the luckiest of all crystals, especially in manifesting prosperity and wealth, or for increasing favor in competitions or games of chance. Its winning energy makes it a great ally for boosting your chances in any situation. Green Aventurine is a Hunter Changer. Green Aventurine provides Wood Energy.



Red Aventurine

Red Aventurine is a potent talisman for being optimistic. It is used in meditation as a transition aid, and brings powerful earth energy to our efforts to see the best life has to offer. Aventurine is a Hunter Changer. This Aventurine is a safety talisman, a talisman of profit, and as a personal talisman in long term efforts to have financial security in old age. Red Aventurine utilizes Fire Energy.



White Aventurine

This color of Aventurine works within all chakras, and like most white stones it resonates strongly at the higher chakras. These crystals also resonate within the middle and lower chakras. Aventurine is a Reflector to the soul. White Aventurine can be used with ALL chakras and will work especially well with the Crown and higher.



Yellow Aventurine is great for opening and balancing the Solar Plexus Chakra. Those who are oversensitive or indecisive, issues relating to an unbalanced Sacral Chakra, can also benefit from Yellow Aventurine's reassuring and balancing energies. It is also an excellent stone to aid you to manifest an increase in money and may help you to augment your level of abundance and prosperity. It will assist you to enhance your creativity.



Pink Aventurine

It is a calming stone that will aid in your sight for clarity. These crystals are primarily used as talismans to dispel feelings of worry and self doubt. Aventurine is a Hunter Changer talisman. Pink is the color of new love, new romance and new relationships. With its fire energy, Pink Aventurine is the color of richness and luxury in traditional Feng Shui.



Peach Aventurine

Peach Aventurine is beneficial when it comes to creativity and imagination. Peach Aventurine is especially helpful in bringing negative or chaotic situations under control. Peach Aventurine will also give the boost you need to unlock your potential for leadership. Orange Aventurine is a stone of good luck, fortune and a manifestor of exciting new possibilities. Orange Aventurine calms and stills the mind of inner chatter when preparing for and during meditation.



Blue Chalcedony

A helpful stone in accessing spiritual guidance. Soothes and balances energy of body, mind, emotion, and spirit. Encourages a sense of belonging. An excellent stone for enhancing your ability to communicate with clarity. Increases mental stability. Soothing and calming Chalcedony promoting peace and joy. Blue Chalcedony is a Hunter Changer Crystal. That stone brings you Water Energy.



Red Chalcedony is a healing stone for the root chakra. It is recommended to use where you spend most of your time, to bring in your life stimulating fire energy. Red Chalcedony is a crystal of physical energy and vitality. Red Chalcedony is a Hunter Changer Crystal. Red Chalcedony crystals have Fire energy.


Caribbean Blue Chalcedony

The energies of Caribbean Blue Chalcedony will work to soothe your sensitivity to weather or pressure. Is a creative stone that will give you mental flexibility. This will also change the way you think about material riches and wealth in a healthier manner. Blue Chalcedony is a Hunter Changer talisman crystal. That stone brings you Water Energy.



Blue Flash Moonstone

Assists in the understanding of and facilitates change in your personal growth. Helps to open the ability to see auras and energy fields and to discern their differences.



Blue Lepidolite

The stone of transition. Assists in the restructuring and reorganizing of old patterns. Gently induces change and allows for a smooth transition. Aids in digestion and relieves stress.


Blue Quartz

This stone is the natural occurrence of blue tourmaline in clear quartz. Activates the throat chakra. Releases introversion and fear promoting fresh and new experiences. Blue Quartz promotes speaking of your mind. 





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Spinel is depression, tension and stress savior. It will help you feel invigorated and it will rejuvenate your body physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually.

  Black Spinel will help you be in charge of situations and to handle other people in a correct manner.

  Blue or Gray colored Spinel will enhance discrimination, especially about friends and what situations we become involved in, also quite good for spiritual communication.

  Dark Green Spinel is said to enhance communication skills as well as increase money.

  Light Green Spinel is told to be worn when one feels fear.

  Pink Spinel is the color that is quite good for couples in relationships as it fosters love. Brings out inner beauty and encourages our gifts. “Stone of Immortality”.

  Peach Spinel is said to build self esteem and soften criticism towards others or yourself.

  Red Spinel is excellent for increasing vitality, confidence and leadership.

  Violet Spinel is used to avoid being victimized, and helps enhance communication between generations.

  Yellow Spinel is said to be for those with low self esteem as it fosters a stronger belief in your own abilities.



  Peach Spinel is said to build self esteem and soften criticism towards others or yourself.



Black Spinel.

Black Spinel has a strong energy that is very helpful to aid the healing of health problems within the three lower chakras. One of its other strong attributes is the way it works to assist you to ground to the earth. If you have been working with high vibration stones you can easily get ungrounded from being in the higher chakra energy so much. It will take excess energy down through the base chakra and earth star chakra to Mother Gaia. Vibration: 5 Astrological Sign: Taurus It activates the Root Chakra, which is the center of the Kundalini energy. North, Winter Feng Shui energy. Spinel is Changer Crystal.



Blue spinel will assist in lowering high blood pressure. It assists in the maintaining the skin, hair, spine and whole body healing. This stone will detoxify the blood, it assists in reducing the effect of cancers that occur in the upper body. Spinel is Changer Crystal.



Green spinel is Changer Crystal. Green spinel opens the throat and heart chakras, allowing you to more clearly speak your visions, dreams, knowledge and guidance. It stimulates love, compassion and kindness. It opens and aligns the heart chakra.



Pink spinel occurs in the colours pink, rose and a pink/mauve. Pink Spinel aligns the etheric and emotional aura bodies. It energises, activates, clears and connects the Kundalini energy and Hara lines at the heart chakra. This stone regenerates and detoxifies the etheric aura. This stone balances the Ch'i into the body. Pink spinel acts as a gateway of life and death, incarnation and reincarnation. Spinel is Changer Crystal.



Red spinel will improve blood disorders, reduce inflammation. It is a gentle energiser and is seen as a pain reliever for degenerative diseases connected with mobility, such as osteoarthritis and osteoporosis. This stone encourages and activates the body's own self healing system. Red spinel is ideal for people who feel that no one ever takes them seriously. Spinel is Changer Crystal. Red Spinel can help gain strength. It also assists with the stimulation of vitality.



Yellow spinel occurs as pale to golden yellow. This stone helps to relieve energy deficiencies, clear stagnation, toxins, mercury or lead from the body. It relieves digestive blockages, liver, pancreas and gall bladder infections. Spinel is Changer Crystal.



Brown Spinel

Brown spinel is an excellent protection stone and etheric cleanser, dispelling negative attachments and entities from the auric field. It can act as a reflector for psychic attacks, causing the negative energy to rebound to the sender.




A - healing stone energy

 (200) Actinolite

Actinolite crystals are talismans of trust. Actinolite brings you Water Energy. Actinolite is a Hunter Changer Crystal.



Ask this stone for direction and guidance. This will open your intuition and help you receive messages. Adularia is a visionary stone it helps you see all possibilities in a situation. It will help you at work when you are planning goals and then begin the tasks needed.


(205) Alexandrite

It’s a stone of prosperity, luck, and longevity. It will unlock your crown chakra and allow you access to the healing energy and loving support of the universe. Remedy Changer Crystal.


(207) ALBITE

Albite encourages communication and positive exchanges of energy. It relieves stress and depression and can be used as a booster for the immune and respiratory system, as well as the spleen.




It facilitates intellectual stimulation and growth. It enhances the practice of circular breathing during meditation. Bytownite aids you in continuing and maintaining close personal relationships. This stone helps with your divination. Trade names for this stone are Golden Labradorite and Golden Sunstone.

Amazonite (210)

Helps You Communicate Truth With Balance, Integrity. This will energize the words you speak with the power of truth. Amazonite is stimulating to both the Heart and Throat Chakras. Amazonite is a Armor Shield crystal. Amazonite energy is Water.

Amber (220)

Allows the body to heal itself by absorbing and transmuting negative into positive energy. It is both a Leo and Aquarius birthstone. Amber brings Water Energy. Amber is Balancer Talisman.



A calming stone. This may be helpful when you are not sure which way to move ahead with your life. Energises and centres all Chakras.




Purifies and amplifies the healing and spiritual energies. Amethyst carries a high energy stimulating the Third Eye, Crown and Etheric Chakras. Changer Hunter crystal. Amethyst utilizes Fire Energy.



Brandberg Amethyst is extraordinary blend of Amethyst, Clear and Smoky Quartz



Chevron Amethyst displays V shaped chevrons of deep purple and white Quartz that seep into beautiful layers.


Rutilated Amethyst is a rare form of Amethyst which contains brownish crystals of Goethite, an iron hydroxide mineral also found in the Super Seven crystal. Goethite is a stone for finding the link between the deep self and Earth, and together with Amethyst clears the Earth and Base Chakras, aligning the whole chakra system to the higher mind.




A heart soothing stone. Use prasiolite for aid in forgiving others, accepting situations that may be difficult and experiencing harmony in your life. Green amethyst can also help you to balance emotions and welcome a greater sense of peace. Prasiolite is a stone that links, integrates and balances the higher and lower aspects of being. Prasiolite Quartz is a Hunter Changer. Green Prasiolite Quartz provides Wood Energy.


Vera Cruz Amethyst

Purifies and amplifies the healing and spiritual energies. Balances emotional highs and lows. Transforms blocked energies.

Ametrine (240)

The marriage stone, the natural occurrence of amethyst and citrine. Blending of earthly and spiritual energies. Activates creativity, intuition and clarity. Ametrine is a wonderful talisman for use in the creative arts. Ametrine is a Hunter Changer Crystal.

Ammolite (245)

Stimulates the creativity. Provides structure and stability for growth. Protective. In Feng Shui it is very fortunate stone that is known to bring wealth health and happiness into your life.

Is a Changer Crystal. Transformation is a key use of crystal energy and power.



Andalusite (Chiastolite   The Cross Stone)

Andalusite is a Remedy Creator crystal. The Chiastolite/Andalusite have Wood Energy. Wood energy is vital to your well being It is associated with family, ancestors, and community. Use this stone in the East area of a room or home if you want to keep Qui, the Universal Life Force flowing properly there.


Andaras Crystal Glass

Happy stone, lifting the heart. 




Helps us to step back from judgments, providing an objective view in order to re order and stabilize. Armors crystals protect from the undesirable elements of life. This stone acts to connect the intuition with the intellect.



Angel Aura

Angel Aura energizes. Heals stressful relationships. Assists in resolution and objectivity. Also known as rainbow aura and opal aura quartz, Angel Aura Quartz is created when natural quartz bonds with the precious metals platinum and silver. Angel Aura Quartz is a Hunter Changer Crystal. Angel Aura Crystals have Metal elemental energy.




Is a symbol of Love and Light to the world. A stone for raising conscious awareness and for promoting clear communication. Dispels anger and provides a protective field. Angelite raises the state of conscious awareness. Angelite is a Stabilizer crystals which makes it particularly useful in efforts to stabilize a situation. Angelite brings us Water Energy.




Balances and connects the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies. A manifestation stone, enhancing creativity. Helps to awaken psychic abilities. Heals the heart on an emotional level. Expands the lungs, improves digestion and help kidneys. Creates a comforting and nurturing protection in a column around the body. Apatite is a stone that helps you seek balance and flexibility. It is a stone often used by crystal healers for issues associated with bone and teeth problems. It is a stone of balance and restoration after emotional trauma. Apatite is a Hunter Balancer Crystal. Apatite utilizes Wood energy.


Blue Apatite is a stone of inspiration, capable of making you more susceptible to the aha experience in which you has an instant of understanding, which crystallizes the answer to long standing problems or questions. Blue Apatite is a Hunter Balancer crystal. Blue Apatite utilizes Water energy. Blue Apatite stimulates the Third Eye and the Throat Chakras.


(292) Brown Apatite. Colour: Deep brown with green



Green Apatite. Heals the heart on an emotional level. Apatite enhances creativity and awakens inner self. Green Apatite connects wisdom of the mind with the emotion of the heart. Apatite is stimulating clairvoyance, clairaudience and clairsentience. It is a Stone of Manifestation. It will increase your motivation to succeed and achieve your goals. Green Apatite is regeneration, relaxation stone. This apatite will bring love and good health for you. Apatite is a Hunter Balancer Crystal.


Yellow Apatite

Apatite utilizes Wood energy, the energy of growth, expansion, new beginnings, nourishment and health. It is associated with the Family and Health.

Chakra - Solar Plexus. Apatite is a Hunter Balancer Crystal.



Aqua Aura

Good for relaxing stress, increases ability to communicate. Joins love with wisdom to create compassion. Aids in getting rid of headaches and calming fever. Aqua Aura has Water elemental energy. Aqua Aura is a powerful Hunter Changer crystal.



Apophyllite stones are powerful to aid you to become spiritually uplifted. Its numerical vibration is 4. Apophyllite is strong metaphysical crystal. It is an Enchanter Joiner. Apophyllite has Metal elemental energy. Apophyllite will infuse you with angelic light.




Aragonite is a grounding stone and Relieves stress, represents the ability to transform. Aragonite is a Remedy Creator crystal. Aragonite has Wood Energy. It is associated with the Family and Health area and the Prosperity and Abundance area.



Astrophyllite is a stone of inner wisdom, aiding you in discovering your purpose in life and helping you recognize your true self. Astrophyllite is a Armor Joiner Crystal. Astrophyllite has Water energy. It is associated with the Career and Life Path area.




Problem solving stone. Align Crown, Third Eye, Throat and Sacral. Strong grounding stone. His energy increases your strength and endurance. Axinite is Vitaliser Keeper Crystal.



Increases communication abilities. Renews and motivates. Integrates the physical with the spiritual. Azurite is the Stone of Heaven as is used to open the Crown and Third Eye chakras for enhanced spiritual development and alignment with higher consciousness. Azurite is a Keeper Creator Crystal. Azurite brings us Water Energy. To keep your life moving forward towards your goals use the water elements energy.



Azurite Malachite

Dissolves fear and transforms it into understanding. Increases communication abilities. Renews and motivates. Integrates the physical with the spiritual. Aids meditation. Relaxing. Strongly in tune with nature and healing. Connects the heart and throat chakras. Azurite is a Keeper Creator Crystal. Azurite brings us Water Energy.

Calcite healing energy explained



Calcite symbolizes cleansing and fresh start. This crystal will amplify the flow of energy in your body and help you with your mental expansion. There will be a shift in your perspective, and there will be a renewed sense of commitment in you that will make anything you want to do possible. Calcite is highly protective crystal. Calcite has Metal energy. Calcite is a Hunter Creator Crystal.


Mangano calcite. Stone Of Love.

This stone is stress reliever that will get rid of you tension and anxieties. Pink Mangano Calcite will help you focus your energies and efforts to accomplish your biggest desires and most desired goals. Find true love, build home, raise kids or financially ensured future. Calcite is a Hunter Creator Crystal. Calcite has Metal energy.



Yellow calcite. Yellow Calcite is a lucky stone because it can attract prosperity, abundance, and positive blessings for you. Yellow Calcite is excellent for meditation and attuning to the higher mental planes. Yellow calcite will help you relax and it will give you energy to move forward with your life and stimulates the will. Its energy is uplifting. Yellow Calcite will stimulate the intellect, help you to organize intellectual thoughts and information. Honey Calcite is a stone that will gently amplify your energy. Brings energy to clear and activate all the chakras.Yellow Calcite help you to add meaning to your life and relationships. Calcite is a Hunter Creator Crystal. 



Blue calcite help you with your understanding of other people’s emotional experiences. This crystal resonates at the throat chakra and assisting you to see that communication can be more than words. This crystal can assist you to be more conscious of the way that others are thinking, even when no words are spoken. Calcite is a Hunter Creator Crystal.


Cobalto Calcite symbolises unconditional love and forgiveness. This is a stone of self discovery. It connects the heart with the mind. Cobalto Calcite will help you find your talents and life purpose. Cobalt Calcite is a Hunter Creator Crystal. Cobalt Calcite is a Hunter Creator Crystal. 


Clear Calcite is also known as colorless calcite, and is the purest form of this stone. Clear Calcite is known as the cure all stone. It is a powerful detoxifier. Clear Calcite amplify images to help you see double meanings that are hidden in common communication. Calcite is a Hunter Creator Crystal. White is the color of the feminine gender and regeneration. 



Black calcite is a record keeping stone, it is used for regression and regaining buried memories so that the past can be released. Black calcite returns the soul to the body after emotional or physical trauma. It has a powerful energy for psychic protection and creates a energetic Armor to prevent psychic attack. This stone resonates within all chakras and it has a strong energy to ground you to the earth and to cleanse you of negative energy. Calcite is a Hunter Creator Crystal.



Green Calcite is a mental healer, it dissolves rigid belief systems and old programming to restore balance and understanding to the mind. It helps in letting go of what is no longer needed or wanted. Green calcite aids communication and helps the transition from the stagnant to the positive. Calcite is a Hunter Creator Crystal. Green Calcite is a growth crystal. 

 It is Life Force of birth, development and creation. Green Calcite utilizes Wood energy.


Hematoid calcite

This crystal is a naturally occurring combination of hematite and calcite. This is a stabilising stone that is ideal for grounding you in the here and now. It is a stone for the base chakra as it balances the energy of the Kundalini at its source. If placed in your home or office hematoid calcite will absorb and clean negative energy in the area. This is a stone for stress, blood cleansing and blood oxygenation.



Fairy stone calcite will assist you in channelling. It is basic, grounded and to the point. Calcite is a Hunter Creator Crystal.


Iceland Spar amplifies images and heals the eyes. It can help you see the meaning behind words and actions. Iceland Spar promotes visions of spiritual rather than physical reality.



Icicle calcite

This is a long finger like crystal that can be bicoloured with orange calcite, it is a spiritual guidance crystal that will fire up your creativity on all levels. It amplifies and activates kundalini energy. This stone removes disharmony, negativity and blockages from the physical and etheric body. Calcite is a Hunter Creator Crystal.


Orange Calcite is a highly energising and cleansing stone. Orange calcite balances the emotions and removes fear. This stone overcomes depression and anxiety. It increases your potential to succeed. Orange Calcite will help you in overcoming your financial challenges, in developing and integrating new ideas, and in formulating new plans. Calcite is a Hunter Creator Crystal. Orange Calcite will give you the powers to combine, integrate and unite. 



Red Calcite increases your energy, uplifts emotions, increases willpower and opens and heals the base and heart chakras. It removes stagnant energy, which includes constipation both physical and mental and dissolves blockages. Red calcite removes fear and gently brings understanding of the source. Calcite is a Hunter Creator Crystal.


Stellar beam calcite. The double terminations of stellar beam calcite channel a dual beam of powerful energy. Stellar beam calcite will wake your ability to link to extraterrestrials. Stellar Beam calcite helps you to dip yourself in mutual love, desire and tenderness. It is an amplifier and Refine of energy. Calcite is Hunter Creator Crystal. Stellar Beam Calcite is a high vibration crystal.



Gray Calcite is a stone that brings calm and peacefulness. It can help you remain detached from the chaos and over emotionality in the day to day world. It can also help lessen the impact of karmic issues. Gray Calcite has Creator and Hunter Talisman energy.



Violet Calcite is a very soothing and calming stone, as it will help calm overactive emotions and thoughts, as well it can also help immensely with the grieving process. Violet Calcite has Creator and Hunter Talisman energy.

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